8. ...Happy Times and Thank You's

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Betty's POV

"Serpents!" Jug yells. Mom is still in the car with the babies. "We have a problem." I say. I hand FP the note and he reads it aloud. "They're mine now." He says. "Someone has Julie and Lea and we need to find them." Jug says. A tear drops down my cheek and then there's  scream. "Mom!" I yell and everyone runs out. I see people in uniforms running away with her and my babies. "Get them!" Jug yells as I faint. The stress was just too much.

Jug's POV

She fainted and before she hit the ground I caught her. "I got you, it's okay." I say and kiss her head. She has tears streaming down her face and to be honest, I do too. I never thought my life would turn out like this. I adopted a toddler at 18. I adopted her 15 year old sister over a year after. Betty had the triplets. Then we now have the twins. I always thought I was never going to see Betty again and then we got to know that we were being forced into a marriage for the rest of our lives. I despised my dad when he told me that I didn't have a choice and couldn't divorce her and she despised her mom for the same reason. Now we love each other uncontrollably, We have a 7 almost 8 year old adopted daughter, but take her as our own, we have 3 almost 4 year old triplets, and newborn babies. Life couldn't be anymore great, but there is always a downside. The triplets and now her mom and our babies are kidnapped and all we can do is try to figure out where they are.

"Juggie?" An angel voice says. "Baby.." I breathe out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I'm crying and so is she. "Please tell me that this is all a dream." She cries. "Baby, I wish that it was, but it's not." I cry and she cries more. I pull her into my embrace and she sobs really hard into my chest. My dad runs over to us. "I'm sorry, we didn't catch them." He says and Betty looks up and breaks down. She looks so...I don't know, broken. My dad looks at her with worry. "Baby?" I ask her. She looks up at me with her red, beautiful face and tears are still going down it. "Do you want to go into the apartment above the Wyrm?" I ask. She nods. "I can't go home, not until they are there, but I need Lili." She says. "Dad, call Cheryl and Toni and tell them to bring all of the girls over there and Josh and come to the Wyrm." I tell him, he nods, and goes into the Wyrm. "We will get them back, no matter what." I tell her. She nods and snuggles into my chest. "Are you tired?" I ask. "Yeah, crying makes me tired." She yawns. "Okay, I'm going to put you in bed upstairs in the apartment, okay?" I ask. She nods and starts to fall asleep. I go upstairs and put her in bed. I go to walk away, but she grabs my hand. "Juggie, please stay...I'm scared." She says. I take all my clothes off except my boxers and get in bed. I hand her my shirt and she takes her clothes off and puts my shirt off so that she is in my shirt and her panties. "I love you Betts." I tell her. "I love you too Juggie, so much." She says and her voice was breaking. "Try to sleep, okay?" I tell her. She nods and we both fall asleep.

Evelyn's POV

"Evelyn, boss said that you get to take care of all the little kids and make sure Alice Smith doesn't escape because everyone has to go to the meeting for all the Farmies in the country in New Jersey." Mikey says who is one of the Farmies. Perfect I can help them all escape. "The babies are in the baby room wit the other babies." He says and I nod and smile. He smiles back and everyone in the building is gone except for all the kids in this building and Alice. 

I go into the baby room and look through the cribs. I spot one with two babies in it. It says Allison and Forsythe Jones, Cooper/Blossom/Jones blood. I sigh and look at them. I take a stroller that was across the room and put them both in it since it's a double baby one. They smile and I smile back. They are so cute. I go to Alice's room and I knock before I go in. "Evelyn?" Alice asks. "Hi Aunt Al." I say. I push the babies in and hand them to her. "Stay here, I have to go get the others." I say and she nods. I get all the babies and kids that are in the building ready. A lot of kids have been kidnapped, but I had to wait until they went to New Jersey because everyone here is crazy except me and they would kill me if they caught me. They have actually done that. I get Juliet, Lea, Serenity, Juniper, and Dagwood to Alice and everyone else is in the front of the building. "We need some people to help with all these kids." I say to Alice. She nods  and tells me the Whyte Wyrm's number. I call them. "Hi, this is Evelyn Evernever, I need to talk to the owner or owners." I say. "Someone get Betty and Jughead, or FP!" I hear the person yell. "Hello?" I hear someone say after 5 minutes. "Hi I'm Evelyn Evernever and I need your help." I say. "I'm FP, what kind of help do you need?" He asks. "Well, I need all the Serpents to help me carry things." I say. "Okay, where are you?" He asks. I give him the address. "We're on our way..Get Betts and Jug up!" He yells at the Serpents. "Okay, thank you." I say. "Bye." He says and hangs up. "He will be here soon." I say to Alice and she nods. 

*15 minutes later*

We hear motorcycles and cars, even vans pull up and I go outside. "Hi, I need your help carrying kids out of this place." I say. "Why?" They ask. "Edgar is evil, he brainwashed me at first, but I know my real family, and he kidnapped these kids and I have been planning to escape with them." I say and they nod. I see Alice comes out with the kids and babies. 

Betty's POV

Mm comes out with Our babies, Toddlers, and Juniper and Dagwood. "This is a dream." I say tears streaming down y face. I look over to Jug, he has tears streaming down his face too. I laugh and he does too. "Please tell me I'm not dreaming." I whisper. "Your not dreaming." He says and kisses my lips. "Babies!" I yell and they look at us. They start running towards us crying. "Mommy, Daddy!" They all yell. I smile and pick them all up and hug them. "I missed you so much!" I say and kiss all their cheeks. Julie gets out of my grip and jumps to Jug. "Daddy!" She says and kisses his cheek and he kisses her hair and then her cheek. "Hey baby." He says and hugs her tight. The other girls hug him now while I pick up our babies. "Hey Ally and JJ." I say and kiss their cheeks. They smile at me and I smile back. Someone comes over to us and then I recognize her. "Ev!" I yell as I put the babies back in the stroller. I run and hug her, she hugs me back, and we hug for a long time. "You saved them?" I ask. She nods. "Where's Cher?" She asks. "Back at the bar." I say and she nods. She is a triplet of Cheryl and Jason. (I don't know if Jason is dead in this so I'm just going to make something up.) Jason ran to California after Polly had the twins because he didn't want to be a father. At least Jug isn't like him. Jug is such a great Husband and father. He's like the best person to take care of kids. 

We head back to the bar with over 100 kids and they need to get adopted. "Where's Polly?" I ask Ev. "She joined the Farm, which is a cult and she kept giving Juniper and Dagwood drugs and she even gave Serenity drugs too." She says. "Also, I don't think we will see them ever again." She adds. "Why?" I ask. "I think they killed their selves." She whispers so that the kids, which are dancing to the music and playing with the toys that are in the bar, can't hear. "Oh." I say. My sister is dead, but she did horrible things to my child and her children. She even got that Edgar person to kidnap my children. "Hey who wants to adopt some of these kids and babies?" Jug yells to the Serpents. Most of the people in the bar raise their hand and so does Evelyn. Cher and Toni raise their hands. Veronica and Archie raise their hands. Mom and FP Raise their hands. Sweet Pea raises his hand and so does Fangs, Kevin, and I. Jug smirks at me and nods. He raises his hand too. We have so many kids, but it wouldn't hurt to adopt kids who need adopted. Everyone picked at least a kid and a baby, some took more kids and babies to adopt. Archie and Veronica tool a five year old girl with red hair and a baby boy with black hair. Cher and Toni took a seven year old girl with red hair and a two baby boys with red hair, since they were twins. Fangs and Kevin took an eight year old boy with brown hair and a baby girl with blonde hair. Sweet Pea took a four year old girl with blonde hair and a baby boy with red hair. Mom took Juniper, Dagwood, and twin girls who were five years old with blonde hair. FP took a ten year old girl and boy, they were twins, with black hair. Jug and I took a six year old boy with blonde hair and two twin girls who have red hair. I know that we are crazy, but they're just so cute. Evelyn took a two year old girl with red hair and two girls and a boy who are a little less than 1 years old and they are triplets with blonde hair.

A/N I am crazy, but I love kids and I need like a hundred Bughead babies, blood related or not. I think that everyone else would love to adopt these kids that were kidnapped and their parents are probably dead. Even though they are Serpent, they have a soft spot for kids and are very protective. Bye!

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