26. Sick

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Betty's POV

"I called my mom, she's picking Lili up from the airport later." I say. "Okay." Jug says. He's holding Ally on his lap. "Alisson Jones." I hear. We stand up and follow the doctor. "We're going to do a check up." The doctor says. We nod.

The doctor did the check up and then went out of the room. "She probably has the flu, but we still needed to take her here." Jug says. I nod. "Ally?" I question. "Hmm?" She hums. "You might have to get really gross medicine." I say. She shakes her head. "I don't want it." She complains. "I know, but it helps you." Jug says and kisses her forehead. "I feel like a baby." She mumbles. "You're our baby." I say. "How?" She asks. "You're the youngest in the house." Jug says. "Oh." She says. 

"She has the flu." The doctor says. "It has been going around, so don't let her around other kids for a few days." The doctor adds. She gives us the prescription for her medicine and we leave. Jug had to carry Ally because she was asleep. We pick up her medicine and then go home.

Alice's POV

I was at the airport, waiting for Lili and Gabe. Aurora, Nora, Juniper, and Dagwood were at school. I see Lili and Gabe come over to me. "Hey." I say. "Hey." They say and hug me. "Lets go home, I'm so tired." Lili says. "Can you drop me off at my house on the way there? My dad wants me home." Gabe says. I nod and we go to the car. We get in the car. I drive Gabe to his house and Lili to her house. I then say goodbye and go back to mine.

Lili's POV

"Hey." Mom and dad say as they enter the house. "Hey." I sigh. "What's up?" Mom asks. "This show got to me." I sniffle. "What show?" Dad asks. "13 Reasons Why." I say. "I watched that a while ago and cried too, what episode are you on?" Mom asks. "Season 1, episode 11." I say. "It wasn't Clay's fault." I sniffle. She hugs me. "It's okay, calm down." Dad says. I sigh and nod. Mom and dad ended up watching it with me, which is embarrassing to me. (That's me all the time. If two people kiss and my dad sees that, I get embarrassed. I don't know why, I have been like that since I was 7.) 

*A couple hours later*

"We're home!" Everyone shouts from the door. "Quiet down, Ally is sleeping." Mom says. "Sorry." They whisper. "What are you watching?" Nicole asks. "A show called Riverdale, It's weird. They look just like us." Dad says. "They even have our names, but they have 3 kids." Mom says. "They're normal." Natalie says. We all laugh and nod. 

A/N Really short chapter. Bye!

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