15. Catch up's and Visitors

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Lili's POV

We are all sitting at a booth at Pop's. Layla and Ava are next to me and Kayla, Josh, and Natalie are in the one across from us. "So, where did you used to live at?" Layla asks. "We used to live in Ohio." Ava says. "In a small town like this." Natalie says. "Do you have any siblings?" I ask. "Yeah, we have 6 little sisters, I know that's a lot.." Ava starts, but I cut her off. "No, I have 7 sisters and 2 brothers." I say. "What are there names?" Natalie asks. "Well, My biological sister's name is Laura, we're adopted. The triplets' names are Serenity, Lea, and Juliet. The twins' names are Natalie and Nicole, they're adopted. The other twins' names are Forsythe and Allison, but we call them Julian and Ally. Then there's Lucas, he's also adopted." I say. "Wow." They say and Kayla, Josh, and Layla smirk. "We've known each other since we were 3." I say pointing to Layla, Kayla, and Josh. We talk and eat and then we go our separate ways.

I get home and everyone's at the table doing homework. "Hey, I'm home." I say. "Hey." Mom says and then goes back to helping Julian and Ally with their homework. Dad is helping Natalie and Nicole. I go to the table and sit down next to Lucas. 'Hey." I say. "Hey." He says. "Need any help?" I ask. "No thanks, this is easy." He says. I look over at his homework. "That is like harder homework than I get!" I exclaim. Dad and mom chuckle at me. "What?" I ask. "Nothing." They say in unison. "I know something's up." I tell them and they sigh. "He's moving up a grade." Mom says. "So?" I ask. "He's going to be in all the same classes as you." Dad says. "What, but that like ruins my school time, ugghh." I say and put my head on the table. "There's some good news too." Dad says. "Mhm?" I say. "Yeah, we're coming to stay permanently." A voice says. "Guess who?" They say in unison. "Laura and Jelly!" I say and hug them. "Why didn't you tell me that they were coming to stay?" I ask mom and dad. "We wanted to give you bad news and then good news that overpowers it." Mom explains. "Where's Sophia, Grayson, Chloe, Austin, and Amiya?" I ask. "Sleeping." Jelly says. I nod and get my homework out. I groan. 'Why do they give us so much homework?" I ask. "I have no idea." Jelly says and dad smirks at her. "What?" I ask. "You and Jelly are like the same as teenagers." He says and I smirk too. "Yeah, but she had a boyfriend." I say. "I said no boyfriends until your sixteen." Dad says. "What if I had a boyfriend before?" I ask. "Do you have one?" Mom asks and I shake my head. "Nope." I say and get back to my homework. 

Jellybean's POV

I chuckle and go upstairs to check on my kids. "Mama!" Amiya says. "Hey baby." I say and pick her up. "Mommy, am I going to school here?" Chloe asks. "Yeah, but I know you will make great friends." I say and kiss her nose. Austin is still asleep, just like his dad. Sweet Pea is traveling right now for work and we're buying a house here soon. "Austin." I say and shake him. "Wake up." I add. "Mommy, no!" He says and falls back asleep. I put Amiya down and she waddles over to Chloe. I pick Austin up and sit him on his feet. "Mommy!" He says and Chloe giggles. He opens his eyes and sighs. "Can I see Uncle Jug?" He says and I nod. We all go downstairs and he runs to Jug while Chloe runs to Betty. "Hey." They giggle and Betty and Jug kiss their noses. "I should get Sophia and Grayson up." Laura sighs and goes upstairs. "We're done with homework finally." Julie sighs and Suri and Lea nod. "Ally, go upstairs and sleep." Betty says and shakes her awake. "Okay." She says. "Night." She adds and goes upstairs. Julian goes soon after because he's tired. It's like 10:30 pm. Natalie, Nicole, and Chloe are watching TV, Lili s playing with Amiya, and Lucas is playing cars with Austin. 

Laura's POV

I go upstairs, obviously, and Sophia and Grayson are awake and smiling at me. "Hey." I say. "Mama, me want Grammy." Sophia says. "Food." Grayson says and I chuckle at them. "Okay." I say and pick Grayson up. I take Sophia's hand and go downstairs and then I put Grayson down and he runs to dad. Sophia runs to mom. I know it's kind of weird to call them my parents, but whatever, they were better ones then Lili and I had. Even though Lili doesn't remember them. "Grammy!" Soph says. "Hey." Mom says and kisses her nose. 

It's like 1:00 am and everyone is going to sleep. "Night mama." Soph says. "Night baby." I say and kiss her nose. Grayson is already sleeping in the crib we have in here. We all go to sleep.

A/N This is probably boring because I had no idea what to write. Please comment suggestions, thank you! Bye!

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