27. Acting

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Betty's POV

Jug and I were sitting on the couch, watching TV. The kids were somewhere around the house. "Oh my god!" We hear Lili squeal. She comes running don the stairs. "Guess what?" She questions. "What?" We ask. "I got a role on the 13rw spinoff show!" She squeals. "Who did you get?" I ask. "So, Hannah wasn't really dead remember, she was just hiding." She starts. "I got Clay and Hannah's kid. This series is about the original character's kids." She says. "Wow. That's a big role. When do you start?" Jug asks. "Next month, so after school ends." She says. We nod. We focus back on the TV and then all the kids come downstairs. "Mom, can we stay at Auntie V's or Auntie Cher and Auntie Toni's?" All the girls say. "Can Julian and I stay with Gramps?" Lucas asks. "I have to call them." I sigh. "No, I'll call them." Jug says. I nod and peck his lips. "Can I stay at Gabe's?" Lili asks. "You're calling him yourself." Jug says. Lili nods and runs upstairs. 

"Cousin, it's so good to see you." Cheryl says as she and Toni walk in the door with their kids. "Veronica is coming too because all the kids anted to go somewhere different." I say and laugh. "Who's going with Auntie Cher and Auntie Toni?" I ask the kids. "Me." Natalie, Nicole, and Lea say. "I'm here." Veronica says. "Okay, who's going with Auntie V?" I ask. "Me!" Serenity and Julie say. "Where are you going?" I ask Ally. "I want to stay with you mommy." She says and I nod. "Okay, does everyone have their stuff?" I ask. They nod and go with Cher, Toni, and V. "Gramps is coming soon, he had work." I say to Lucas and Julian. They nod and sit on the couch next to Jug. "I'm leaving!" Lili shouts as she walks out the door. "Bye!" We say as she shuts the door. 

"The kids are gone, except Ally. What do you want to do?" I ask. "We could watch movies with Ally and eat junk food?" Jug suggests. I nod. "Yeah, lets do that." I say. We grab blankets and pillows and ordered food. We watched movies the whole day.

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