Not a Part, but it's funny

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My sister and I have bunk beds, because my dad thought it was smart to get them, but anyways. I was going down the steps. This happened like 20 minutes ago. I thought that there was another step at the bottom, but I was wrong. I fell and hurt my knee pretty bad and scraped my arm off the dresser. My mom jumps up out of bed and looks at me. She's like "Are you okay?" And I'm like does it look like I'm okay, but I didn't say that. I started to laugh and then I limped to the bathroom to get a band aid for my arm. I then went to the fridge and I'm like "Mom, where's the ice pack?" And she told me she forgot to put it in the freezer. Anyways, now I have a pack of frozen hotdogs on my knee. My mom also said that I could've been hurt worse and I'm so tired that I started to laugh at everything she says. Classic me. I'm also trying not to laugh writing this right now btw. Thanks mom, for not putting the ice pack in the freezer when I'm hurt. That was my morning/night, how's yours. Try and guess how old I am, I'll give you three guesses. :)

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