Part 1: Speechless

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Park Jimin had never been left speechless in his life, always having something to say and never one to hold his thoughts, but after running into one person three times in one day he'd been left unable to even utter a simple word.

Maybe it was because of the different circumstances he met the same man in or maybe it was his drastically different appearance each time, all which left him in some form of day dream, but he was speechless nonetheless.

His first experience with the ethereal stranger was during the morning; the man was wearing all black from head to toe in baggy clothes with his hair slightly messy but endearing to anyone walking by who's eye he'd caught.

He was crouched down on the floor next to a worn away card board box with his hand inside looking conflicted for a moment before he got up and left.

And that was it.

Jimin wanted to introduce himself and find out more about the stranger because something drew him too him but he was left frozen on the spot wondering how such a beautiful creature existed - being lost in his thoughts until the man was gone.

Jimin being Jimin went to inspect what was lucky enough to capture the handsome mans attention and was pleasantly surprised to see a box of kittens - but something pung in his chest at the thought of them just being left there alone.

He couldn't take them then but he swore to himself that he'd come back for them later more prepare.

So after that he went about his day as normally with the thought of the man and kittens in the back of his mind.

The second time he saw him was in a similar situation but something was different.

His clothes.

In this encounter the man now wore a giant pink jumper which looked three sizes to big and grey knee high shorts.

He had pink socks on which peaked over his white converse and he looked like the softest boi to ever exist and once again he left Jimin speechless.

He was crouched down next to the same box as before but this time he had something in his hand which Jimin could easily recognise as chocolate milk.

It took a few seconds to process what was happening then another to coo at the cluelessness of the cute boy before he realised he probably should step in which caused him to spring up to stop him giving the kittens the milk which he knew was bad for them.

He quickly made his way across the road, slowing down as he got closer to the other to not startle him, casually saying "Chocolate is bad for kittens, you know?" As he grew to a halt just behind.

He had to admit he over thought how he should act in the short stroll over but he was glad he chose a softer approach since the boy jumped lightly at his softer voice he couldn't imagine how much he'd jump at the harsher he used more often for work.

The boy looked at him then back down to the box, repeating the action a few times before nodding and standing up, the blush on his cheeks not going unnoticed.

Jimin was about to say something else but before he could a beeping came from the pocket of the other boy, who literally jumped at the sound, going on full alert like a cat.

The boy picked up his phone and his eyes widened comically before he quickly did a 90° bow and scurrying away - still not saying a single word.

Jimin was left astounded again at how someone could be so beautiful and he couldn't help but stare as he walked away, his heart beating quickly.

For the first time since his teens he was flustered.

After that Jimin's focus went to the kittens in the box of which only one remained.

Jimin crouched down and picked up the last remaining kitten, double checking there was nothing saying where they were from and frowning more when he noticed the words "FREE FELINES. TAKE EM OR LEAVE THEM. UNWANTED."

Jimin couldn't help the pout that formed on his lips and he'd have taken it earlier if he noticed then but he didn't.

Leaving an animal like that was cruel but the again so was humanity.

He bit his lip before deciding he was going to take it like he planned earlier, wrapping it in a blanket he had brought in his bag and then taking it towards his car.

He climbed in holding the kitten close as he nodded to the chauffeur to take him away, and with that he tried to get rid of lingering thoughts of the handsome stranger.

The final encounter was the one which literally made his jaw drop.

He had gone to work because he had a few interviews booked that day for the role of his assistant and the next thing he knew the handsome stranger was there again leaving him speechless for a moment longer than he liked to admit.

The man was now emitting a whole other level of energy from the other two looks.

He'd been a bad boy, a soft boi and now a boy who could fire you from your own company.

Jimin would've been worried about his job roll if he didn't know the other could be such a cutie, not that he'd really have minded being fired by him - he could take the company and Jimin wouldn't have been able to find it in himself to be mad.

The other people in the room all held their breaths and gulped sitting straight in their chairs, intimidated by the attractive man ahead of them and if that didn't show his aura nothing could.

He had some of the strictest and most intimidating people in the company sat alert and on edge.

Jimin however just sat back with a smirk, his smirk only growing as he noticed the others cold gaze freeze on him for a moment as a light pink dusted his cheeks again.

"Shall we begin Mr..."

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi."

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