Although they left later than they intended the pair were still one of the first to arrive since it was still early and Jimin eagerly looked around for his parents pulling along a slightly more reserved than normal Yoongi.Yoongi knew that Jimin's parents had immediately accepted him as gay but there was still an intimidating factor of being introduced to your roommate, boss, crush and dates parents.
But the moment he was met with familiar crescent eyed smiles when the duo approached apart of that fear went away and a small smile was brought to his face as the father, son and mother all hugged with the closeness of a family Yoongi never had.
He smiled fondly at them and was endeared by it but it wasn't long before Jimin was swinging his arms around Yoongi and going up on his toes a little to rest this head on Yoongi's shoulders introducing "This is the boy I was telling you about." and nothing more leaving the rest to Yoongi.
Although he couldn't move because of a koalaing Jimin he stilled nodded his head slightly in an attempt at a bow introducing himself "Hello, i'm Min Yoongi your sons... secretary andddd..."
Jimin interrupted him filling in the building blanks saying "Roommate and date. And he's still not bored of me after spending so much time with me so please don't scare him off." Looking to his father with both pleading and knowing eyes which made the older man scoff.
He argued "You really think I'd let him be purely because he spends so much time with you, my standards for who you should be with are higher than that-" being cut off by Jimin who simply said "He makes me happy."
"And that should be reason enough for you to leave your son and his date be. I'm Jimin's mother as you know and i'd like to apologise for the emails sent your way because of Jimin's avoidance of meetings but now we know why. Anyways I hope we get to know you well and you us so you don't feel as nervous as you obviously are which is understandable. We're not as bunt in a family atmosphere just more when it comes to work or after a long period of time of avoiding issues." she glanced at her son before taking Yoongi's hand "And if that doesn't scare you off then welcome to the family."
Yoongi offered her a smile before Jimin pulled Yoongi back saying "I have to go introduce him to the rest of the family now but we'll be back to talk later, the guys have just arrived." all exchanging goodbyes before Jimin dragged Yoongi off into one direction.
Whilst walking Jimin asked "What did ya think?" to which Yoongi went "I see what you mean with them and your dad is intimidating." which Jimin nodded in understanding too.
"I can't say he'll get better since it's his nature but know he means well, anyways i'm taking you too meet Joonie and Hobi who Jungkookie, Jin and Tae are with." Jimin said as he pulled the other to a loud corner of the room where a five people were obnoxiously laughing trying to arrange the presents table.
Taehyung was the first to notice the boys approaching them and without a word started running full force at the pair before clinging on to them singing "Happy birthday~" then taking a step back to comment "You both look hot."
Both thanked him and by this point their was another body flying at them, one of which Yoongi didn't recognise who sang "Happy birthday Minnie and you must be Yoongi hyung~"
Yoongi looked over the mans shoulder to SeokJin who lipped 'Hoseok' then replied "It's nice to meet you Hoseok, the guys speak about you a lot." which wasn't a lie so to speak, his brain just malfunctioned at the sudden affection from the stranger to process that he was exactly as the others described him.
Yoongi then held a hand out and said "It's nice to meet you too, you must be Namjoon." Which the taller man gladly accepted saying "Jinnie speaks nothing but praise about you." giving a dimply smile at the end before turning to Jimin and ruffling his hair which was sticking out from a bundle of limbs wishing him a happy birthday.
The rest all wished Jimin a happy birthday and Jimin thanked Taehyung and Jin with a wink with what for being left unspoken even though Yoongi knew it was because they choose his clothes which Jimin hadn't been able to keep his eyes off of for more than a few seconds.
The group moved over to the gift table and Hoseok and Namjoon busied themselves getting acquainted with Yoongi since the rest of the group informed them he got nervous in large groups so they set out to make him comfortable and a good friend, the trio kicking things off to a good smart when a song all three liked came on.

Crybaby - Yoonmin
FanfictionThree run ins in a matter of a day, the story in which two strangers become more stemming from simple chance encounters and maybe a bit of help from fate. Because who could keep the sweetest baby boi away from the most charming CEO when they both w...