Part 25: Room

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Things had been going well (other than their kitten being poorly but Jimin had her under the best vet in Seoul so she was sent away to stay in clinic until she improved because neither Yoongi nor Jimin were home enough durning the day to keep a track and give her all her medication - it was a hard decision to agree to but a necessary one, but other than that it was good.)

Yoongi kept the place clean and him and Jimin took it in turns cooking, helping each other out where they could.

The only issue Jimin had with it was that once they got home, other than meal times and if Yoongi was cleaning a room with Jimin in, they didn't see each other and when Jimin wasn't there for dinner he didn't think Yoongi was eating.

There system was working in a sense but Jimin was worried and it made him dread the thought about what Yoongi's habits would've been if he didn't propose him moving in with him.

His suspicions didn't come from no where, he'd look around the kitchen to see if any food was gone or he'd check for pots.

So one night when he got home after a longer day than normal, having a meeting with his family over dinner, he decided after checking for any signs he'd eaten to go to Yoongi's room with some take out he'd grabbed on the way home.

Jimin loosened his tie from around his neck as he lazily walked his way to where the bedrooms were, pausing for a moment when he heard the sound of soft giggles come from what he assumed was Yoongi's room.

He stayed where he was for a moment, following the sounds until his hunch was confirmed when another loud stream of giggles where heard filling the corridor in a tone that Jimin had aquatinted himself with even though he'd been in there presence three times.

Yoongi was in little space.

He hesitated with the food option that he'd picked up since it required chopsticks making Jimin think Yoongi would struggle but he decided it was better than nothing as he knocked on the door.

He knocked twice and waited patiently as he heard the giggles pause and small whispers come from the room until small thudding sounds were heard approaching.

Yoongi slowly peaked his head around the door with a face mask covering half of his face and he used his fringe to cover the other so Jimin couldn't see much.

The little said nothing and tilted his head, a habit he had both in and out of little space, so Jimin proceeded to say "I brought you some dinner home since you haven't eaten." Smiling fondly when he heard a small gasp escape the others lips.

Yoongi glances down at the bag skeptically before mumbling "how'd Chiminie- Jimin know?" To which Jimin just shrugged before leaning a bit closer and whispering "Do you believe in magic?"

Yoongi nodded his head enthusiastically in response so Jimin just winked at him, raising the bag a bit higher, before explaining "I didn't know little Yoon Yoon was coming out to play today so I grabbed some Japache for you on my way home not thinking about how easy it'd be for you to eat..."

Yoongi's eyes went wide again as he whisper yelled "How'd you know Yooni little?!" Edging closer to the other who smiled fondly with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Jimin raised a finger to his lips and whispered "Magic Yooni sweetie. Don't doubt Chim Chim. He's a magical fairy but you can't tell anyone." Winking at the end before talking normally again and saying "Go take a seat Yooni and I'll go get you a spoon so it's easier to eat." But before Jimin could even turn away Yoongi had grabbed a hold of his arm and looked up at him with determined eyes declaring "Yooni big boy, can use choppies."

Jimin was hesitant but nodded and let himself be pulled into Yoongi's room which he was seeing for the first time since before he moved in.

And boy was it cute.

Fairy lights were draped all over the room, lining all shelves in sight as well as the frame of the bed.

Along with it there were multiple different assorted fabrics hanging over the bed to create a draping curtain with fairy lights scattered in to make it more magical.

Yoongi has laid out a fluffy white rug on the floor and all though the rooms aesthetic before had been sleek and minimalistic, Yoongi had managed to make it seem warm and cozy.

The colour scheme was still the same with the walls being white as well as most of the furniture but mixed in now were some pastel toned yellows and golds.

All across the king sized bed were a large variety of comfy looking pillows as well as a small teddy peaking out from under the blanket, matching some which were scattered around the room - all looking like some form of cookies.

It was beyond cute and didn't match how Yoongi presented himself throughout the day to most people, and even then Jimin knew him better than his cold act and didn't expect for his room to be so warm and cuddly - he knew his hyung liked it but he was still shook.

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