Part 12: Toys

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"Why doesn't Yoongi show me some of this things?"

Yoongi sat up fully imediately, head butting Jimin's chin on the way up but not caring as he held his teddy bear up close and personal in Jimin's face - personal space being a distant memory to Jimin now.

But he didn't care because of the sparks he could sense being in Yoongi's eye which he wished he could see, but nope, Kumamon.

Yoongi gushed "This is Yooni's teddy bear called kummiemon~ he is Yooni's best fwend~ but... Yooni dun remember getting Kummie out unless..."

Yoongi gasped loudly, pulling the teddy from Jimin's face and hugging it tightly to his chest before shouting "TAETAE MUST'VE DONES IT! He touched my kummiemon without askin'!"

Yoongi pouted immediately as the thought actually processed in his mind, wild and crazy conspiracies about his best friend torturing his plushie coming to mind.

Before the thoughts got to wild though, Jimin offered a reasonable idea as to why his 'Kummiemon' was out.

"What if TaeTae just missed you YoonYoon? Maybe he got it out because he missed you and was worried about you since you didn't come home last night..."

Yoongi gasped again and loosened his grip on his teddy, his heart shattering at the thought of the other being alone -he was really on an emotional roller coaster.

Yoongi wanted to make it up to him before realising the one thing that makes everything okay with his friend "TaeTae... Yooni gonna give TaeTae cuddles tonight's to say sowwy. Yooni no mean to make TaeTae sad or wowwied, Yooni loves TaeTae... he wike Yooni's 'ittle bwotherrr."

Jimin's heart stopped at the pause thinking he really didn't have any shot with his hyung, logic leaving his brain that he had a boyfriend but in that moment a polyamorus relationship made more sense - that moment ending the moment Yoongi added the last part making his heart explode.

He was adorable.

Jimin brought a hand up to ruffle Yoongi's hair which the other leaned into immediately, saying "I'm sure he knows that Yooni, and who doesn't love cuddles?"

Yoongi gasped before putting his hand up like he was in a class, causing Jimin to chuckle and say "Yes Yooni?" too.

Yoongi excitedly said "Big Yooni! people scury!" and smiling his gummy smile with all his teeth showing.

The smile made Jimin's heart melt but the words did the opposite, leaving a eerie feeling with him.

He casually asked "Why not?" trying to not the conflict he was feeling show.

Yoongi chuckled and leaned in to hold on to Jimin again before saying "Big Yooni used to gets shouted at for being huggy but Little Yooni gets all the cuddles now! Like Yooni and his family never have huggies, they gave him owies when he twied. And then Yooni was wif' this yucky girl in Daegu and she only used Yooni because he was a underground rapper. She gave Yooni no cuddles or kissies and would only be cuddly when other people were around. She made Yooni lose all his money and made him no feel good in here."

He pointed to his heart and even though Yoongi was smiling he could tell how much it hurt him.

Yoongi carried on saying "She didn't get to know lil Yooni because big Yooni didn't wan' her to think he weird. He dun like being alone but then TaeTae was poorly and said he no more bein alone and they should move to Seoul and say bye bye to her. An' Yooni no have family there anymore so he said oki because he wanted to no feel bad any mo' but it oki now 'cos Yooni knows he only was wif' her cos he had to and his family all poopy heads. Yooni better alone wif no cuddles or holding handies."

Yoongi said it all so casually but Jimin listened to and heard every word, words he wanted to talk to Yoongi about some other time when he was big but he wasn't right now so he wanted to just be there.

He held Yoongi that little extra tighter and whispered that extra bit softer "Yooni isn't alone he has his friends. And you can always hold my hand or come to me for cuddles. I'm here for you."

Yoongi's grip grew on his shirt and he got really quiet for a while before a soft "Tank you..." left his lips, followed by "I weally wike Chiminie..." being told "Chiminie really likes you too."

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