After breakfast Yoongi and Jimin found themselves in the living room with Yoongi waffling about the time him and Taehyung defeated the 'evil bunny monster' when he tried to 'force them to eat radioactive little trees so they'd grow up big and strong' and how he'd seen white mini trees which Taehyung convinced him were the after results from leaving the trees to long and that's what was going to happen to them.So basically Jungkook tried to get them to eat broccoli and cauliflower and Yoongi and Taehyung were creative beans... of ChAoSsSs.
Jimin was more than happy to listen as the little told the animated story and reenacted it from voices when quoting to large arm movements to prove a point.
It was adorable and Jimin could only find it endlessly endearing.
But then he was met with the realisation on their meal plan they were going to be having fried vegetables for dinner and the story he'd just been told didn't give him much comfort in the meal option but he knew in big space schedules were one of the things Yoongi pushed for - maybe because he was his secretary and needed order.
So he knew he was going to have to be creative now so later on it was okay.
Casually as he was cleaning up Jimin called "Hey Yoongi? Did Taetae tell you about the vegetables that look exactly like you've described those bad ones which are really good for you? They keep you healthy and taste really good compared to those nasty ones. I even know how to make them super nice and if you eat those ones it okay to have some dessert too~"
He turned back to glance at the other who was thinking hard for a moment, seemingly getting lost in his thoughts which Jimin quickly snapped him from (fearing they may cause a temper tantrum later.)
"I can cook some later for us if you want? I'm fancying it which is why we have the stuff, I even went out and choose them myself while you were being a big boy and cleaning up for me. No toxic trees just their yummy cousin food."
Yoongi slowly moved his gaze to meet Jimin's and nodded slowly still in thought but quickly being distracted from them fully by Jimin's blinding smile.
"What was that cutie?"
——— ——— ——— ——— ———
A few hours of cartoons and sending emails later and dinner was just around the corner so Jimin snuck off to the kitchen to make food while Yoongi was distracted.
And it worked for the most part, up until the little noticed he was gone and wadded his way into the kitchen with the largest pout on his lips and his arms folded.
He just stood there for a while waiting for Jimin to notice him and give him the attention he deserved but the younger was completely distracted tripping over himself and running back and forth from a recipe book to the food to make it perfect for the little.
It was only when the little sneezed he noticed his presence.
He quickly turned and nearly slipped again before smiling widely at the adorable little greeting "Oh hiya Yooni, food will be done soon- I think- so why don't you go back to your cartoons and then I'll call you for food. Okay?" And then going back to work with full focus on cooking.
Sadly for him it wasn't that easy.
Yoongi waddled in the room and sat in the middle of the kitchen floor pouting and looking up at Jimin, following him with his eyes as he ran around (as he ran around like a mad man trying not to coo.)
After a few minutes though Yoongi got bored and got up onto his knees, opting to instead of obstructing Jimin's path to follow behind him, gently holding onto the back of Jimin's shirt.
And the cuteness of that was Jimin's breaking point.
"Yooni sweetie cutie angel and child of all that is good in the world. Could you pleaseee go sit at the table? Your cuteness is distracting me and making me want to abandon cooking and just cuddle you to death."
He turned after that to face the little which he instantly regretted seeing teary eyes looking up at him, utterly devastated.
Jimin quickly turned everything down and got on one knee pulling the little into his chest suddenly feeling very panicked as he looked around hectically for anything to help.
He stopped though almost immediately realising there was nothing, so he calmed himself and asked "What's wrong?" Rubbing circles on the littles back in hope to stop the sniffles and tears silently falling from his eyes.
The little whimpered "Y-Yooni missed Jiminie. A-and Jiminie left Yooni all a-alone and then when Yooni founds Jiminie he no want him. Jiminie no like Yooni no mo'- I-I sowwy. Whateva it is Yooni won't do it again... Yooni go back to Yooni's room now-" he then pulled away from Jimin to stand up but before he could Jimin had already pulled him back into his chest shaking his head.
"Yooni, Jiminie left without telling you because you looked so happy and cute that I didn't want to interrupt your show but I had to cook. I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. Of course I want you around but I don't want you to get hurt in here while I'm distracted cooking. I want to keep you safe and be able to give you good food. I'm not mad that your here I'm just worried. Did I sound mad? If so I'm sorry sweetie. And I'd never not like you, your my sweet cute Yooni. My happy shy boy aren't you?"
Yoongi nodded as Jimin whipped away the tears from his cheeks and went to stand up again to go anyways feeling embarrassed but once again Jimin stopped him.
This time stood up Jimin pulled Yoongi back and turned him around so his face was in his chest before he lifted him onto his hip again like he had earlier then went back to cooking, softly warning "Don't touch the pots or knives."
——— ——— ——— ——— ———
"So what do you think of my super special and yummy broccoli and cauliflower?"
"It Oki. It's not choc-choc but it's not yucky."
"If you eat it all I'll see what I can do about getting you some chocolate then... I'll also see if I can get some stuff to keep you safe in the kitchen so you can stay with me when I cook so your not alone."
"Tank you..."
"No problem cutie."

Crybaby - Yoonmin
FanfictionThree run ins in a matter of a day, the story in which two strangers become more stemming from simple chance encounters and maybe a bit of help from fate. Because who could keep the sweetest baby boi away from the most charming CEO when they both w...