Part 21: Snuggles

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After eating Yoongi decided he'd let Jimin make it up to him some more by snuggling up together and watching a film.

Jimin was honestly shocked by how much little Yoongi loved skin ship in comparison to big Yoongi who was scared by it - although he was slowly building up to being okay with it, not flinching as much anymore or tearing up.

But this, cuddling up together in a fortress of warm and inviting, this was nice.

Yoongi was being the little spoon he was made to be and Jimin was happily cuddling him, never wanting to let go.

It was sweet.

After the film had finished Yoongi was happily napping in Jimin's arms which was understandable with how much he'd cried that day so Jimin just held him.

He held him close knowing the other didn't want to be let go, not that he ever intended it anyways.

It really was just sickly sweet.

He ran his fingers through Yoongi's hair coaxing him off into sleep fully, then slowly pulled a blanket over them both, grabbing his phone to decide how long he should let Yoongi sleep before setting an alarm for half an hour.

And sadly for him half an hour came way to quick, his sweet moment ruined by the alarm he set.

And very clearly from the low grumble "Fuck." Yoongi was in big space, which Jimin knew meant one thing...





And in the measly time of three seconds not only was Yoongi all the way across the room but the fort he worked so hard on was caved in on them.

But that wasn't his priority.

Yoongi was.

Not only had he basically yeeted himself across the room but he also looked like he was in utter shock as he processed the events of the day with not only his boss but someone he undeniably was crushing on.

He had literally snuggled up with him and cried in his arms for a full day, a day when he should've been in work.

If he didn't feel like he didn't deserve his job already, he definitely did now.

And that as well as everything that he was already worrying about weren't a good mix.

He wanted to cry again, but that wouldn't happen if Jimin had anything to do with it.

Jimin noticed how Yoongi's eyes were slowly going glossy and he knew he couldn't have the same approach as before since Yoongi wasn't in little space and it wasn't fair to force him so he had to comfort him as an adult - even though little space was that form of comfort in a sense.

So he rushed over to Yoongi's side but still kept a respectable distance before sitting in front of him.

He glanced over his shaky figure before conjuring the softest and most empathetic voice he could asking "Yoongi hyung, are you okay?"

Yoongi just nodded looking everywhere but Jimin's piercing gaze which was seemingly unavoidable as Jimin moved so Yoongi could see him as he carried on.

"I'm- I'm sorry if I over stepped today but I couldn't just leave you here alone knowing you were upset and I could've gone for a different approach but in the moment- I was selfish. I won't use an excuse. I'm a ball of affection and your just so... lovable, that I couldn't help myself but be affectionate even though I know out of little space your not comfortable but it happened once and it helped and then you said you wanted cuddles- and- I'm sorry hyung. I understand if you don't want to talk to me or be near me, I'll leave but I want you to know one thing. I'm here for you and I want to help and if you can forgive me for being so clingy I'd really like to help because... because I care..."

Jimin swallowed the lump in his throat as he started to crouch to get up, saying "I'll leave now." Before Yoongi reached out desperately and held on to him with his shaky hands as of letting him go would be the end of the world.

He himself was surprised by his action but what surprised him more were the words that escaped his lips.

"Please... stay...?"

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