Part 36: Min Kitty

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Once in the car Jimin glanced over at Yoongi noticing him hesitantly fiddling with the yellow lollipop.

Jimin raised an eyebrow in confusion before asking "Aren't you going to eat that? Isn't lemon one of your favourites?" 

Yoongi's head snapped up, eyes looking like a deer caught before headlights, shaking his head quickly before pausing and nodding.

Jimin kept his eyebrow raised as he glanced over his hyung fully taking in how he was sat and his behaviour.

He seemed smaller, but just in how he was sat but in his behaviour and mood which meant two things.

Yoongi was normally quiet confident in how he appeared, even if he was insecure, and he especially never missed an opportunity to steal any lollipops he found lying around the house when he was little.

Then it clicked.

Littles can be triggered and that lollipop, which was Jin's way of saying well done and offering the other some form of comfort since he did seem more reserved after the needle, triggered him more so into little space.

It was given in good intention and Jimin knew Yoongi knew it but he couldn't understand why Yoongi was being reluctant to slip so asked "Are you trying not to slip right now Yooni?" Followed by "Are you feeling little?"

Yooni put his head down and moved his hands in between his knees as he looked to his feet not replying to Jimin's questions.

The emotion Jimin saw on Yoongi's face could only be defined as one thing.


But he had nothing to be guilty for.

The car was already driving and Jimin knew they had a while before getting to the vet so he turned fully to Yoongi and placed his hand on his thigh saying "It's okay you know?" Getting a small head shake from Yoongi.

Jimin shuffled seats so he could be next to Yoongi and asked "Why not?" Waiting patiently for Yoongi to say "It bad."

Jimin sighed at the view not at him being little but Yoongi took the sigh the other way quickly apologising "I sowwy."

Jimin was quick to shush him and say "It's okay don't be sorry." Before taking a moment to gather his thoughts and genuinely ask "Why's it bad?"

Yoongi softly whimpered "Eomma said it bad anyways to be c-c-child-ish  b-but extra bads outsides. Yooni no wanna get in twouble."

From what Jimin had figured out, other than Yoongi's rough upbringing and previous toxic relationship, was that his family didn't see little space as what it was - in Yoongi's case a response in need of stress relief- but as their son being childish and bratty which clearly wasn't the case they just were bad people in Jimin's eyes.

Jimin knew Yoongi was reluctant at first being in little space around him and other things but this was the first time he'd really seen something Yoongi's parents said genuinely make him shrink.

He was little and scared.

Jimin was quick to wrap an arm around Yoongi and pull him closer, placing a gentle kiss in his hair before whispering "Your mother isn't here now. It's just me and you and we both know your the most well behaved, cutest little bean to exist don't we?"

With a faint blush tinting his cheeks Yoongi shook his head trying to hide his face awkwardly into Jimin's chest since they both had seat belts holding them back.

Jimin asked "Really?" Getting a nod from Yoongi who said "Minnie the cutest." Earning a squeal from Jimin and making both of their cheeks light aflame.

Jimin cooed "And this is why your the cutest and softest bean you adorable beautiful handsome cinnamon-roll." Nuzzling Yoongi's head before moving to kiss his cheek this time unable to fight the temptation.

Yoongi was red from the tips of his ears to down his neck and Jimin smiled that they were on equal playing ground.

Jimin took the lollipop from Yoongi's hands and unwrapped it before pushing it against Yoongi's lips.

The little reluctantly accepted it with a "Tank you." When he did, pressing his cheek against Jimin's shoulder.

A few minutes of quiet passed by with the sound of Yoongi sucking on the lollipop being the only distinct sound before Jimin broke it fully asking "Do you have any name ideas for out little kitty cat?" Shuffling so he could see Yoongi's face as he thought.

Yoongi pouted pressing the lollipop to his lips before answering "Kitty?" Unable to think of any other name than what they'd called their sweet cat at the start.

Jimin raised an eyebrow asking "You like that?" To which Yoongi nodded replying "It her name. She had it since we got her so it's a good name. U-unless you no like it."

Jimin's eyes widened and he was quick to say "I love it I think it's a very thoughtful name I just thought maybe you'd want to give her a second name is all, yeah, a second name." Quick to dismiss any negativity.

Yoongi blushed lightly causing Jimin to raise his eyebrow so he said "Min. Like Your fiwst name and my last. JiMINie and MIN Yooni."

Jimin smiled in endearment at the little before taking his larger hand in his own saying "I like it and I'm sure our Min Kitty will love it just as much." Kissing the back of Yoongi's hand and not missing the rising blush again.

He would never get used to how pretty Yoongi looked.

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