Part 10: Little space

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One anxious shower later and Yoongi was emerging from the room he entered in a pair of grey trackies and a white shirt with a towel resting around his neck.

Jimin looked over to greet him a offered him a soft smile as the elder walked over to take a seat next to him on the couch.

Yoongi froze on the spot however when he saw one of Taehyung's plushies sat up on the couch next to Jimin.

Jimin noticed this so asked "Are you okay?" getting nothing in response, Yoongi never breaking eye contact with the stuffed plush.

He got up and made his way towards his frozen hyung, waving a hand in front of his face before freezing in front of his mouth and realising he wasn't breathing.

Jimin instantly started to panic looking around trying to think of how to get him to breath then noticed him start to hyper ventilate slightly before it quickly getting worst.

He knew what was happening but that didn't leave him any less scatter brained and panicked.

Knowing what Jimin knew he could only think of one thing in that moment which would get his hyung to calm down - to de-stress a little.

He grabbed the plushie which was abandoned next to him and brought it to the older boy, gently placing it into his hands and pulling him into a hug like he would a scared child.

He began to whisper sweet things like "It's okay, your okay." And "Breath hyung- Yoongi, breath." Rubbing soothing circles as he did so, very careful of wording and actions.

Slowly but surely the hyperventilating calmed down but the calmness only lasted a moment before the whimpers began escaping the fragile boys lips again.

Jimin was quick to sooth "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Your doing great. There's no need to get upset, we don't want you hyperventilating again do we?"

Yoongi nodded his head at the question causing Jimin to have to fight back a snicker as he scolded "No." mumbling something along the lines of 'cute but not helpful you cute little bundle of sarcasm and coffee'

Yoongi stopped and looked up at him with big eyes as the authority in Jimin's tone scared him so he was left looking up and choking back tears.

Jimin smiled seeing him trying not to and knew it was probably because of how dismissive he said no but it gave him something to work with.

He took Yoongi's hand and led him to the couch, seating the little on it and sitting on the floor in front rubbing circles on his knees as the other settled a little.

Jimin gave Yoongi a moment to adjust to the situation before he softly asked "Now Yoongi could you please tell me why you've gotten upset?"

Yoongi quickly shook his head before curling up in a ball with both his legs folded to his chest and his arms wrapped securely around his knees, still holding the teddy.

Jimin sighed lightly before getting up and moving next to him on the chair, saying "I'll wait for you to be ready to tell me then." And waiting patiently.

Yoongi looked at him from the side curiously and waited to see just how long he would wait for him to speak but after five antagonisingly long minutes he couldn't bare the silence and whimpered a soft "Y-Your not supposed to finds out..."

Jimin heard this and instantly moved his attention back to the boy, subconsciously lifting his hand to play with the others hair as he played oblivious asking "Find out about what?"

Yoongi pouted and looked at him through doe eyes, the whole scene making Jimin wanted to smother him in kisses but he held back still playing clueless.

"Chiminie n-not sup-p-posed to know abouts Y-Yoon-gi..." Yoongi whispered trying to make his voice as normal as he could by lowering the tone and trying his best to use full words but Jimin could tell what he was trying to do - and he didn't like it.

Yoongi obviously didn't either since he cringed saying his own name.

Jimin places a hand over Yoongi's and soothed "It's okay to be little- Yoon Yoon?" Trying to think of a cute name not knowing what Yoongi likes being called.

You see Jimin had experience with littles because of his friends so this was nothing and he had little-sat before and been a temporary caregiver for a period of time so not only did he not have a issue but he could handle it.

(Plus what wasn't there to love about his drop dead gorgeous, whole ass meal of a man, co-worker/ friend having a whole cute, adorable, precious side to him.)

Yoongi seems surprised that Jimin even knew what to call it yet alone that he wasn't disgusted so all he could do was stare with wide eyes and his jaw dropped as Jimin smiled softly at him.

"You seem so shocked, almost as if I haven't seen you in little space before or that I don't have friends who are littles slash dating them. Yes I just said slash. No there is no need for that freakin adorable giggle."

At this point Yoongi was giggling at Jimin who was teasing him fully, ending in a minor tickle fight to get Yoongi to keep smiling which worked.

Jimin deciding once the boy seemed fully comfortable to start to learn more.

"Tell me about yourself Yoon Yoon."

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