Part 15: Knocking

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Yoongi was woken up from his involuntary nap by loud banging at his door which made him jump out of fear and cry his heart out realising he was alone again with a scary person banging on his door.

Jimin on the other side of the door was loudly banging after getting over a ton of texts, a bunch emails and three phone calls ignored, wondering why Yoongi didn't show up and why he wasn't answering.

He didn't know if he was sick, still asleep or dead but in the car ride to his house after him not showing up he began to panic more.

Yoongi had fallen asleep on a bus before and got stranded and if that happened again he wouldn't have been able to stop himself from being guilty when he could've been out looking for him so he wasn't running himself ragged.

First he decided to check Yoongi's apartment because it made logical sense but after his first few attempts and standing outside for ten minutes trying got ignored he said fuck it and started knocking loudly.

If Yoongi was asleep he'd wake up and if he was hurt he could shout back when he stopped.

If he wasn't there then Jimin had to drive around looking with a swollen hand.

And the small cries when he stopped knocking on almost went unnoticed, but they didn't, Jimin heard.

Jimin waited another second and heard another cry which is when he realised he could've spooked Yoongi, especially if he wasn't the type of answering the door kind of person even though he was fine doing it at the office.

Either way he was quick to shout softly "Yoongi hyung?! Is that you?! Can you open up please, its Jiminie?!"

He heard a loud bang and the crying got a lot louder which made Jimin begin to panic instantly but then only second later thuds were heard coming closer with the cries matching the increase in volume.

The door suddenly swung open and Yoongi dove into Jimin's arms sobbing, with the younger luckily catching him without falling, being pulled into a gentle embrace.

Yoongi flinched when he went to rest his head on Jimin's shoulder making Jimin assume he'd hit it there since he was fine when he re-positioned.

With that knowledge, and the fact Yoongi was very clearly in little space since he was babbling out random sounds hugging his teddy in his soft clothes rather than the dark ones he typically took a liking too, Jimin hug lifted Yoongi and waddled into the apartment kicking the door shut after them.

He took Yoongi over near the couch and sat down with Yoongi following and sitting on his lap with his head buried in his neck as he sobbed.

Jimin let him cry his little heart out until he felt the other had calmed down enough so he could go get some ice and an ibuprofen but when he whispered to the little his plan he realised it was seemingly unachievable.

Yoongi started to cry louder and hugged Jimin tighter which was endearing and heart breaking at the same time.

Jimin hated the fact the first thing that came to his mind was how beautiful Yoongi looked but it was always a reaction he had, but in that moment it wasn't an appropriate time - even if Yoongi was the definition of perfection.

Finally escaping his thoughts he whispered "If I don't get you the stuff bub it's just gonna get worse."

Yoongi shook his head in protest and whimpered at the shooting pain he got.

Jimin didn't like seeing him in pain and had completely forgotten they both had a job to get too making Yoongi his first priority, lifting the little onto his hip and carrying him with him as he rooted around the kitchen looking for what they needed.

He could've just left Yoongi and made his life easier but in that moment he didn't care about having to carry the other around, he just wanted to help.

So when he finally gathered the ice and tablets he was faced with a new challenge -

Operation little - tablet addition.

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