Part 5: Lunch

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"You can't just have rice Yoongi-ssi, you need something more filling. Here take some of this." Jimin said as he slid all of his food over to Yoongi to show he meant it.

Yoongi just held his hand up and shook his head replying "I normally only eat rice anyways since it's cheap so I'll be more than fine. Thank you for the offer though and thank you for the food."

Jimin went to protest again but before he could Yoongi had brought chopsticks to his lips with kimchi on, placing it in Jimin's mouth to shut the other up.

He appreciated the concern but it was genuinely what he was used too and he didn't like other people spending money on him anyways.

Jimin just chewed the food with a pout as Yoongi then began to dig into his rice.

They stayed silent for a while as they ate with Jimin giving Yoongi the evils and Yoongi trying not to laugh the whole time, somehow making rice last as long as a full meal.

Anytime Jimin tried to slide food to Yoongi the elder just returned it, eventually saying "I'm your hyung and you need to eat well." Which Jimin tried to counter argument but froze up realising Yoongi was his hyung and had to be respectful.

So they just carried on sliding food back and forth, exchanging looks and trying not to laugh here and there, speaking not really being needed as they just enjoyed the other's company.

Yoongi began to clean up when they were done and couldn't help but notice the prominent pout on Jimin's lips as the younger looked up at him so he eventually caved and asked "What's wrong?" Already having a hunch.

With a prominent pout and his thick dialect showing Jimin whined "You need to eat more food. I even said i'd pay and you only got one thing using it's normal as an excuse. You need to eat more hyung-" ending on a gasp because Yoongi hadn't said it was okay to say.

He looked up at Yoongi with wide eyes about to apologise but Yoongi just smiled back at him softly saying "Hyung is fine." adding "And I was telling the truth." Before taking the packaging of their meal to the staff room so he could recycle them properly.

Jimin smiled for a brief moment at being allowed to call him hyung, it being a nice shift to what he's used to, but then returned to pouting almost instantly, asking "Why?" when Yoongi came back into the room.

Yoongi raised his eyebrow then realised what he was being asked so answered "It's cheap and I need the money."

Jimin's pout turned into a small frown and he was about to say something when Yoongi cut him off complaining "Stop frowning, it doesn't suit you. Now get back to work, boss."

Jimin's face scrunched at the word boss, not liking hearing it from Yoongi which the elder could clearly tell since he chuckled at the reaction and went back to his desk.

He didn't miss Jimin mumbling "Someones getting more confident." so turned to face the pouting man again before chuckling and saying "It because i'm getting more comfortable around you and realising your not the big scary man people describe you as. Your cute like a puppy teddy."

Yoongi giggled at the end and Jimin noticed how his speech and way of speaking changed slightly reminiscent of a child which Jimin could only dub as adorable as his heart beat ten times faster just from the brief giggle.

He carried on looking at the elder who quickly turned back to his desk with his ears, and what Jimin assumed would also be his face, were slowly turning red - bright red.

Jimin chose not to point it out or Yoongi's cuteness this time, instead opting to happily reply "I'm glad." before going back to his computer.

They both carried on working for a period of time before Jimin broke the silence (other than typing) in the room.



"Please clear some space in the afternoon."

"Okay, what for?"


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