It was the next day and Jimin was already in the office by the time Yoongi arrived.The elder of the two had a extra late shift at his other job the night before and didn't have time to get any sleep, so on his bus journey to work he ended up dozing off making him miss his stop and stupidly late.
He would have still been asleep if he didn't get a concerned phone call from his roommate asking why he hadn't gone home and if he got to work safely making him realise just how late he was.
By the time he got off the bus he was already forty minutes away so he knew he was royally fudged and it was only his second day.
He went to phone and inform them that he would be but his phone died after getting no charge the night before leaving him not only stranded in an area he didn't know but without any internet or signal to talk to anyone.
It was after that when he checked his pockets and realised that his bus pass and the cash he had on him were gone that he realised how screwed he was.
It was basically a morning of realisations, face palming, cussing and being on the verge of tears as he desperately tried to get to work.
He wasn't in the position where he could afford to lose his job and he knew better than anyone that there was a good chance he could considering it was his second day and by that point he was already nearly a hour late with no notice.
So instead of curling up in a ball and crying until someone found him like he wanted too, he began jogging, tracking back on himself via the bus stops until he got to work, making good time on his journey but inevitably almost being dead.
He arrived around dinner time looking like a complete sweaty mess with a cold somewhat angry expression on his face making anyone who saw him stop and stare (and maybe drool just a lil bit.)
His shirt was basically drenched and his hair was damp with sweat so his first goal was to go to the toilets to clean himself up at least a little so when he was yelled at and maybe lost his job he at least looked presentable.
Unfortunetly for him when he entered the bathroom he met the person he had planned to avoid for another five minutes as he quickly cleaned himself up.
Park Jimin was stood about to exit the room Yoongi had just walked into, both being frozen on the spot for a moment before something unexpected happened.
Jimin hugged him looking panicked and worried as he stepped back examining the elders condition.
And thats when the flood gates opened.
"What happened? are you okay? why are you so sweaty? you look pale do you need to sit down? have you eaten? are you going to be okay? I should take you to a first aider. I'm taking you a first aider. Come on-"
But before Jimin could pull him anywhere Yoongi placed his own hand on top of Jimin's and gave him a tired smile, mumbling "I'm fine Jimin, I don't need to go to a first aider. I just need a second to breath, have a quick wash and maybe coffee... you know what I definitely need coffee... especially if i'm about to lose my job..." ending off more talking to himself than Jimin.
Jimin raised a eyebrow and asked "Why would you lose your job?" causing Yoongi to look at him confused before being helped over to the sinks with Jimin supporting him.
Yoongi sighed, mentally preparing to dig his own grave, before honestly saying "I was late. I gave no notice. I had the nerve to come in unpresentable even though this is a very serious and competitive business place. And there's also the fact i'm probably under qualified. This isn't looking good for me."
Jimin frowned as Yoongi spoke and stayed silent for a moment after his speech was over before monotonously asking "Do you really think i'd fire you without hearing out the reason?"
Yoongi looked down feeling guilty for numerous things but mainly because of how hurt Jimin looked.
Most bosses in such a competitive job would just fire him there and then and not blink twice about it, especially those with such a intimidating reputation.
But Yoongi hadn't seen Jimin act that way, if anything seeing him act the opposite.
He was a reasonable man.
But then again the circumstances of Yoongi being late weren't reasonable nor believable.
As the silence carried on building between the two Jimin took a step away from Yoongi, instructing "Come to my office when you've organised yourself." then leaving.
If there was one part of Yoongi's day which would actually break him it would be hearing Jimin speak so coldly - but he didn't have time to do that, instead quickly throwing himself together and trying to ignore all the thoughts going wild in his head.

Crybaby - Yoonmin
FanfictionThree run ins in a matter of a day, the story in which two strangers become more stemming from simple chance encounters and maybe a bit of help from fate. Because who could keep the sweetest baby boi away from the most charming CEO when they both w...