Part 48: Tipsy

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The evening went by as a flying success with business links established and strengthened and the group of friends growing even closer, finally feeling complete after all members were introduced.

As Jimin expected Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi got on exceedingly well because they had a large amount of things in common and the other four watched fondly as they learned more about each other.

Somewhere along the night they all began drinking and by the end the seven of them were flailing around the dance floor laughing and 'dancing' the rest of the night away, having fun and not completely making fools out of themselves (only a lil.)

But sadly all good things had to come to an end which was brought abruptly when Taehyung slipped both literally and mentally causing a chain reaction with the littles, Jin following almost immediately due to his more than tipsy state and Yoongi when the others were about to leave saying "But Yooni just got new fwends and they alweady has to go..."

The littles immediately clung to him making him slip further as they cried about how they didn't want to go and Taehyung actually crying his little heart out as he drunkenly confessed how much he missed and loved the elder setting the other off into tears too with Jin crying how he wants his friends to be happy making all three cry more probably not aided with the drinking prior- luckily for them their cars were in the private spot in the back.

After much talking and negotiating about a play date the following day they all reluctantly agreed to go their separate ways and Hoseok promised to go along to as 'their all friends and he wouldn't want his favourite people having fun without him' and how he wanted 'all the cuddles' from the littles if he was waking up early (with more than likely a hangover) to see them.

They all went in their cars after that with their private drivers taking them home.

When Jimin strapped Yoongi in and made sure he was feeling okay he gave the driver the go ahead and mindlessly played with the littles hair until it lulled him to sleep giving the birthday boy a minute to coo over the little and great the party was.

Him and Yoongi even divulged into some not so innocent dancing before he slipped which Jimin was secretly hoping would lead to at least a kiss but in the end it didn't as the moment they were close too Taehyung fell... and well what happened next is already known.

When the car finally arrived at their house Jimin didn't have the heart to wake Yoongi up so opted for quietly thanking the driver before getting out and going around on the other side to lift Yoongi and carry him to bed.

The door was a bit of a struggle, especially with his own slightly tipsy state, but after trying to change his hold on Yoongi the other koaled him half awake.

They managed to get the rest of the way inside without much of an issue up until Jimin had managed to get Yoongi to his room.

When he went to lay the little down on his bed he tightened his whole whining "Nooo..." as held Jimin close to him and pouted.

Jimin couldn't help but coo mentally at how cute it was and how forward it was for Yoongi but Jimin still tried to move away again to which the little finally opened his glossy eyes mumbling "No go."

Jimin really wanted to just jump on the bed and cuddle with the little but his pants were a bit to tight to comfortable sleep in and that's when he realised Yoongi's would be too so reasoned "We both have to get into comfy clothes sweetie so we can sleep all cozy."

He then pulled away a little more since Yoongi still held him before quickly leaning down and pressing a kiss to the littles cheek pulling back fully saying "If your in your pyjamas when i come back to wipe off your makeup i'll stay with you and we can cuddle. Now get moving sleepy." patting Yoongi's butt before leaving the room.

When he came back makeup free in his oversized fluffy jumper and sweats he found Yoongi lying face first on the bed with his pants pulled down to where the harness on his leg was and shirt scrunched up from obvious tugging at it which was when Jimin realised Yoongi would probably need help.

He made his way over and placed his hand on the others back causing him to move his head to the side and look up with teary eyes and a pout whimpering "Can't do it... stuck..."

A drunk little is a teary little.

Jimin ran his fingers through the others hair asking "Do you want some help?" which the little immediately nodded too.

He stood up after worming his way to the edge of the bed to stand as Jimin took a seat at the edge waiting for the little to stand before him before he started helping.

Any not so innocent thoughts he had earlier in the evening gone as he helped the other undress.

He first undid the harness since that was what had the pants trapped were they were before helping the little climb out of his pants, taking note of the marks on his thigh where it was to tight and how it would more than likely bruise.

He then moved to the thing wrapped around his torso undoing the back and then taking that off, chuckling at the others laziness when he found half the buttons on his shirt was undone.

He undid the rest and threw it onto the pile before standing up and going over to the closet to get some pyjamas out but when he turned back around he found the little in his bed with only  his eyes peaking over the large fluffy blanket.

Jimin raised an eyebrow and Yoongi mumbled "To hot." in his best attempt to not have to put his clothes on but Jimin just looked at the two blankets over him skeptically.

The little looked down at where Jimin's eyes were and hugged the blanket closer to him before whispering "But this nice." knowing what Jimin would say.

The younger of the pair rolled his eyes as he made his way over to the bed looking for a happy medium as he said "At least put your shirt on please." which the little immediately shook his head to.

It was cute but not what Jimin needed so he just stood up, pretending he was leaving even though he still had to remove the others slight makeup, and said "Fine then, Yooni can sleep on his own tonight."

The little immediately shot up and grabbed onto Jimin's jumper shouting "Shirt!"before Jimin could take another step away.

The younger obliged and turned around helping the little put the shirt over his head, booping his nose when it was done before grabbing the make up wipes he brought with him and started gently wiping the others face until it was clean.

Some where along the way Yoongi closed his eyes and started leaning into the touch so when Jimin pulled away he was alert again and pouting which Jimin just chuckled at as he threw the used wipes into the bin and packet on the floor.

Before Yoongi could complain anymore Jimin slid under the covers with him and held his arms open for the little to scoot closer to him which he quickly did and then Jimin began carding his fingers through the others hair again.

As the room fell into a comfortable silence Jimin slowly felt himself drifting away to sleep being pulled from it when he felt a feathery light kiss on his chin and heard a soft "Happy biwthday Chiminie."

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