Both boys were sat on the couch in the living room with a film on and a large gap between them.
The gap wasn't originally large but Yoongi got spooked when Jimin's phone went off so the little moved away and had been pouting since.
Jimin thought about it for a moment but decided it would be best for him to just let Yoongi calm down before he tried to approach him but when the littles 'not mood' didn't lighten up he felt a bit stuck so forced himself to remain focused on the film.
Jimin didn't know what it was since Yoongi picked it out but when he actually put his attention towards it he ended up getting engrossed in it.
Something about the cute dragons and quirky characters caught his attention and he quickly found himself enjoying it although he missed a few plot points like why the dragon couldn't fly or why the kid trying to ride him was so persistent - he found it questionable but when he put aside normal logic and just watched in its simplest form it was good.
Most kids films are a little messed up anyways.
So good he almost forgot about the eyes glaring daggers into his head.
But alas, the film came to an end and the little still was mad at him, if not more so, and he had no clue why.
Surely his phone going off didn't deserve such daggers and a... pout?
Jimin himself only did that face when someone he cared about weren't giving him the attention he wanted and rightfully deserved...
But before he could get up to go make 'I'm sorry' hot chocolate which he quickly thought of as a solution he found himself in an awfully adorable position.
Whilst lost in thought Yoongi had gotten up onto his knees and crawled over to Jimin, throwing the blanket he was covered in on the floor and crawling into his lap.
He wrapped Jimin's arms around himself before folding his own hands and resting his head on Jimin's shoulder, looking forward and staring at a wall pouting.
Jimin wanted to coo and shower him in compliments but he knew what he had to do.
So as gently as he could he held Yoongi, pulling him in to rest more on his chest and began swaying from side to side as he rubbed comforting circles on the top of his arm and small of his back.
Yoongi seemed to relax at the action so Jimin continued it knowing he'd figured out what was wrong.
"Your a cuddly little kitten aren't you? Who deserves all the love, attention and time in the world and I didn't give you that. I know sudden noises can spook you sometimes, they even spook me, and I didn't think of that message being enough to do so but it did and I'm sorry for not thinking more, especially since it's obvious."
He took a breath before carrying on "I didn't check on you after either thinking it'd be better to leave you for a bit but we both know that's not the case so I'm sorry. I know your not the type to come to me first or say if you need anything, in and out of little space. And I know that everyday you try your best and I'm proud of you, look at how far you've come even making the first move to sit on my lap so I definitely knew what to do."
He chuckled lightly towards the end, quietly shushing Yoongi who looked like he was going to protest everything Jimin was saying as he smiled reminiscently.
"I bet you must get lonely being up in your room and then with everything else, I sure used to when I was left home alone all the time growing up and I still get so sometimes now when your not here, but I just want you to know I'm here for you okay? I care. And I'm so so sorry Yooni that me not responding made you sad and grumpy, even though it's painfully cute and I wouldn't mind holding you like this forever." He chuckled at the end and swept a piece of hair from Yoongi's face.
"I should've thought more so I'm sorry."
Yoongi looked like he was on the verge of tears, because he was, but he tried his best to keep his composure as he squeaked "Yooni sowwy." Getting swept closer by a confused Jimin.
"Sorry? Why are you sorry sweetie? You did nothing wrong?"
Yoongi swallowed a hiccup and whimpered "Yooni a cwy baby and oveweacted and made Jiminie feels bad. I sowwy. Yooni just wanted Jiminie to cuddle and make his tummy warm and fuzzy b-but then I upset Jiminie a-and-"
"And nothing. You didn't upset me either Yoongs. If anyone did it was me at myself. I could've handled this better because I've been in a similar position to you before. And I completely understand and agree to where your coming from and the only thing I will comment on the matter is I can't read your mind. I know you and I know your scared, I guess, of affection and because of that I wait for you to come to me because I don't want to go to far and sometimes it's hard for me to tell when you want a hug or to hold hands or anything like that. So why don't we make a promise that we'll tell each other what we want from now on so neither of us get sad in miscommunication because I'd do anything for you Yooni."
A small smile made its way to Yoongi's face accompanied by pink dusting his cheeks.
"An' Yooni would do anything fo' you."

Crybaby - Yoonmin
FanfictionThree run ins in a matter of a day, the story in which two strangers become more stemming from simple chance encounters and maybe a bit of help from fate. Because who could keep the sweetest baby boi away from the most charming CEO when they both w...