Part 37: Kitten

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Once they arrived at the vet Yoongi asked if he could stay in the car to nervous to leave even though he'd been little at the office before and gone home little but he supposed Yoongi was having a insecure day so said yes even though it pained him to leave him alone.

When he got back to the car he found Yoongi bouncing in his seats making grabby hands for the cage which made Jimin chuckle.

He obliged the little by putting it in between them with the cage gate facing Yoongi so he could see and coo over the kitten and Jimin couldn't help but watch in awe as Yoongi brightly smiled at the small cat with his gums and teeth on display and nose crinkled cutely.

The drive home consisted of Yoongi cooing over the kitten and Jimin cooing over Yoongi so it was almost the same as normal and when they finally arrived back home Yoongi was rushing to finally be able to play with Kitty properly in little space.

When he first moved in since he basically secluded himself he was never around the little kitten for too long but now he was comfortable left the opportunity for them to play and have fun and Jimin could still remember how Yoongi so innocently tried to help the cat - noting he was going to have to explain what's okay and not okay like he did when he tried to give the cat chocolate milk...

He walked a little quicker to follow the little inside.

When they got into the apartment Yoongi sat himself in front of the cage, leaning forward so he could rest his head in his hands as he looked into the cage with starry eyes.

Jimin smiled softly but new he needed to give Yoongi some reminders before opening the cage.

"She hasn't been here for a while Yooni so we should give her sometime to get used to it and settle in again. I know you've missed her but she's gonna need some time and we have to be very careful with her diet, only giving her the food the vet said too because it could be too much for her tummy and make her poorly and we don't want that do we?"

Yoongi shook and stood up, frowning slightly as he did so before taking a breath and smiling at Jimin.

The smile was slightly blinding and it definitely took Jimin by surprised.

Yoongi nodded to what Jimin had said and reaffirmed "I won't gives her anythin' without Jiminie being wit' me an' I'll let Kitty settle. Yooni just weally happy she home now and happy." Smiling even more at the end causing Jimin to coo and ruffle his hair before couching down.

As he opened the cage he said "I'm happy she's home too." Before the kitten ran into his lap and started rubbing her head all over him, purring loudly in the process then running over to Yoongi and doing the same.

Yoongi gummy smiled through the full process and began to gently run his hand down the kittens back trying his best to be careful with her, not noticing as Jimin got his phone out and snapped a few pictures.

Yoongi looked so happy and pure holding the little kitten and Jimin couldn't help but chuckle at the resemblance causing Yoongi to tilt his head in sync with the kitten who turned too.

Jimin just walked past, ruffling his hair again, saying "Your just like a kitten to Yooni." Before going and making sure everything was 100% kitten safe.

When he came back he found Yoongi lying on his back with kitten stretched across him nuzzling into his chest.

It was too cute and so were the soft giggles escaping the littles lips.

When the kitten noticed Jimin it got up and stretched before rubbing slightly on his legs walking through them while Jimin just stood smiling.

Yoongi got up off the floor and made his way over too throwing his arms around Jimin suddenly and cuddling into his chest slightly saying "Tank you for savin' Kitty fwom the stweets." To which Jimin relied "There's no need to say thank you, and if we're thanking anyone it should be kitty. She's the whole reason I noticed you the first time and made you catch my attention, and I couldn't be happier."

After that they went about there day as normal with a much welcomed addition to the routine they'd built while she was gone.

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