Part 3: Earlier

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Yoongi walked home happy after filling in all of the official forms and parting ways with his new boss.

He seemed a lot sweeter than the things he'd been told by his friends when he told them about the job he was applying for, all of them being very vocal about what they'd heard and so on.

But not only was Jimin sweet and kind to him in the office but earlier that day too before he even realised who he was, and that in itself said a lot about the other easing his thoughts which his friends had put in his head.

Yoongi couldn't help but blush slightly at the memory of their first encounter and then the way he spoke to him in the meeting, it made him feel all soft and fuzzy inside.

In the morning he was walking home from his night job and he noticed a small box on the sidewalk, approaching it when he heard what sounded like clawing and cries.

Ever the curious boy, he opened the top and saw all the kittens inside which made him simultaneously bust an uwu and unu.

He didn't understand how people could just do that, leave animals abandoned and the thought 'you wouldn't do that to a child' crossed his mind but sometimes people do which in itself is a while other debate depending on circumstance and if you judging by legal ethics or situation-

He knew after looking in that he needed to get home quickly before the sudden overwhelming urge to cry took over him as he was already starting to feel attached to the kittens all piled together, so he made a pact to return for them all after a well deserved nap to reconvene.

And staying true to his word he did.

One four hour nap later and dinner time was approaching meaning he only had a little bit before he had to go to an interview.

Unfortunately for Yoongi he slipped into his special headspace which he tried to push away since the site of the kittens earlier, so thinking about them again only made him fall deeper with only one thing on his mind.

Getting them food.

And not thinking logically just wanting to be a good boy and help them, he threw on some of his favourite clothes (excluding his normal shorts he preferred because pants are overrated) and the only milk substance he had in his houses before heading out to save the day.

He had waddled all the way back to the spot where the kittens were and crouched down assessing the situation.

Some of the kittens were gone and the one left looked really hungry and lonely but all he had was a carton of chocolate milk and no money to sustain a pet.

He quietly mumbled to himself "What's I suppose to do now?" With a pout forming on his lips, but that pout quickly went away being replaced with awe as the kitten licked his hand.

After a while of playing with the kitten he remembered his interview and started to fumble with the chocolate milk trying to figure out how to feed the cat getting distracted again with the need to protec.

He eventually just put the straw in and was about to pour it onto the floor when a loud voice shouted at him.

In reality it was actually rather soft sounding and sweet rather than intimidating as Yoongi first saw it but as he processed the words of the other person he wasn't sure what to do.

"Chocolate is bad for kittens, you know?"

All Yoongi could do was look between the two until the inevitable happened.

Yoongi grew flustered, being embarrassed because he didn't like to get things wrong and didn't like people when small making him want to go and hide.

As the guy was about to say something again Yoongi's phone began to ring with his younger friend being on the line asking if he was ready for the interview and Yoongi used that as his get away never expecting to see the handsome man ever again.

Yoongi would've been lying saying he didn't want to go back and stare at him, maybe talk a lil, but he had an interview to get ready for, for a job he can't afford to not get.

And luck was both for and against him that day as he got the job but his boss was the person he had met earlier - his appearance and personality being debatable as lucky or not in the elders eyes.

But now he was back home reassessing it he decided he got lucky, it's not every day you get a job like that with a boss like that.

The tireder Yoongi grew the closer he became to slipping again but he knew he had his nighttime job to attend later so opted for a nap instead.

And like that he was gone off to dream land then work after, giving himself a whole two hours sleep before he'd have to start his new job - his lacking in the ability to sleep being handy in that moment.

"Day one of a new job... here we go..."

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