Part 32: Rib

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Jimin was sat at his desk, actually being productive after hours of moping over being alone even though it was his idea, when Yoongi came bursting though the doors looking like he'd just had the most traumatic experience of his life.

And Jimin would've been more concerned if he hadn't already thought about all the outcomes and didn't expect this - maybe to a lesser degree but it was expected nonetheless.

Yoongi dropped all his stuff at his desk and then went and flopped onto one of the chairs opposite Jimin's starting"That. Was. Horrid."

Jimin smiled lightly at the dramatics before raising his eyebrow and asked "Is your back feeling better?"

Jimin could tell by the hesitation the answer but let Yoongi start to say "Yes but-"

Interrupting before his hyung could get carried away and scare himself more about the occurrence saying "No buts then. They did their job and that's what they've been payed for. And you could always have backed out." With a slight chuckle at the end which made the other gasp dramatically.

He asked "Is It ThEiR jOb To AsSaUlT mY bAcK?!"

Earning a innocent giggle from the other who sweetly said "Nope but I gave you the rest of the day off to recover from it. Which by the way wasn't assault it was a massage with the best masseuse in South Korea."

Yoongi pouted at him and folded his arms across his chest causing Jimin to giggle slightly at the antics before abandoning his work fully to give the other his undivided attention.

"I'm sorry for laughing hyung. Why don't you tell me what happened. It might make you feel better."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and said "It's hyung now but it was all chuckles and corrections a second ago."

Jimin covered his mouth to hide the smile that made its way to his face before saying "I'm sorry." In his sweetest voice then saying "I'd love to hear about your day."

"I woke up to a eager Jimin prodding my cheek with the smile of the devil on his lips before he dragged me out of bed and threw me into a taxi because I forgot to get changed into pyjamas yesterday and sent me to hell where multiple people with grabby pinchy hands assaulting me saying how I'm tense and stressed and I've pulled a muscle and have a badly healed rib from it being broken and-"

Jimin quickly interrupted stuttering our "Wait wait wait. Rib? Broken?" To which Yoongi corrected "Was broken. Now healed badly. Probably from the time a group tried to jump Tae in little space when me and kook were putting stuff in a car and we beat their asses." Acting all nonchalant about it.

But to be fair who wouldn't take on the the world to protect Kim Taehyung.

Jimin then spilled the onslaught of questions "What? Wait why happened? How? What?" Which Yoongi calmly responded to.

"Basically cute boy sat on wall all innocent and cute. Group of dicks thinking they could do whatever approach him and tell him to go with them. He said no he was told not to leave the wall. Tae being the silly but good boy he is stayed even when he was in tear cos they were insulting him. Then one for the geniuses thought they could just take him. The next thing they new they were in hospital and in a lot of legal trouble. God I love Kookie sometimes. Oh and I couldn't breath in without pain for a few months after so that could've been when."

Jimin's jaw dropped and he quickly got up from his seat, rushing to Yoongi's side and looking the other over without even thinking about it making the other chuckle and watch him endearingly.

Yoongi reassured "It was nearly a year ago now Jiminie. I'm fine." Causing the other to shoot his head up before looking back down again.

"Hyung- why did you not go to the hospital? Why-"

"I didn't have the money Chim and I wasn't about to let my dongsaeng pay. It's not like I'd never broken them before, I've been in two motor bike accidents and then there's the amount of damage of years of being punched... you know what- nevermind. The point over all is it was nothing big to me."

Jimin's face fell as Yoongi's turned into one of a sad smile.

Before Yoongi could react Jimin had pulled him into his chest and was hugging him tightly and all the other could do when he came out of his shock was hug back and accept the others hug and care.

It felt nice.

What wasn't nice was the eerie feeling Yoongi got thinking it was from pity alone but Jimin quickly shut that down saying "I can't change the past but I promise you I'll do everything I can in the present and future to protect you from people who hurt you. You don't have to tell me about it but know I'm hear. I promise I'll always be here if you need to talk."

And so much honesty and promise was laced in those words with months of concern threading with them that Yoongi felt safe.

He felt safe and protected because of Jimin.

He finally felt safe enough to open up, all because the slip of a tongue and a quick -real- response.

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