Part 31: Back

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Jimin was lay on the couch with Yoongi on top of him as he ran his fingers through the littles hair in a comforting manner.

They'd been lay there since their miscommunication and both where content basking in the other's warmth and comfort - not so secretly admiring the other with any chance they got.

Things only got uncomfortable when Yoongi started to wriggle around.

Jimin tried not to say anything thinking he might only shift once but to his dismay it didn't seem like that'd happen.

So in his softest voice he whispered "Yooni, could you stop wriggling please?" but the little didn't pick up on the slight gruffness you his voice, as he moved (again) onto his front so he could look up at Jimin.

He tilted his head slightly to the side with furrowed eyebrows but the closeness of their faces, something sleepy little Yoongi didn't notice, made Jimin blush.

Instead of acknowledging it though Yoongi poured trying to point at the base of his back saying "B-but Yooni's back huwts."

Jimin's face softened more but concerned laced his features, asking "Where?" And mumbling "What've you done?"

Yoongi shrugged and sat up, pulling up his shirt to show his swollen lower back which Jimin flinched seeing before gently reaching out and sweeping his thumb over it, watching as the little flinched.

Jimin sat up quickly and instructed Yoongi to "Lie down on your tummy." As he got up and went into the kitchen to get some ice and anti swell gel.

When he came back the little was lay down with a pout still on his face but his eyes shut, looking determined to sleep more but also looking uncomfortable and cold which made Jimin feel worse about what he was about to do.

He softly mumbled "Stay still for me." Before placing the cool pack on the littles back, watching as he bent his back awkwardly and flinched in pain.

"Careful! Careful- it's to help, it'll help."

Jimin coaxed the little into lying back again before throwing a blanket over him to try and help with the overall cold so the single spot seemed more bearable.

Jimin asked again "Have you hit it or done something to pull the muscle?" Getting a quiet no which was cut off by a gasp and excessive nodding.

Jimin watched on curiously as the little propped himself up lightly onto his elbows and said matter of a factly "Yooni twied to do a cwab to be like mr snippy." Giggling lightly before continuing "Then I fells and my foot was a meanie and kicked me- Yooni foot not supposed to do that! Yooni not that fwexible!"

Jimin's face went red as he held back the laughter at the image and the betrayed look the boy had on his face, and before he could even think about it he had cupped the others cheeks and pressed a kiss to his nose causing the other to squeak and go just as red - if not more so - and flopped back down.

And that's when Jimin clicked what he did and realised he mindlessly gave into his urges again.

So to make it seem like less of a big deal Jimin said "I should probably rub some of this cream on your back then mr crab."

He pulled the blanket away then asked "Is that okay?" Getting a small nod from the little who'd head was buried into the seat.

So Jimin went about with applying the cream and rubbing it in, ignoring how soft the others skin was and deciding that maybe it was the right moment for Yoongi to use one of the perks of working for him.

Health care - and more specifically a masseuse.

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