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I looked around worried. I don't have my own car and Niall refuse to call his guys or what's that is to drive us to the hospital.
"What's wrong?" Niall wheeled near me.
"We need to go to the hospital and I dunno how we're going to do that!" I got my hands in the air.
"Just take my car and let's go. Come on. Keys are on cabinet where shoes are, in the closet." he smiled. I let my breath out and went to get them.
I sat Niall in the car and put wheelchair in the trunk. I got in the car and got my seat belt.
"Let's go, baby." Niall said. I looked at him and he at me.
"Did you just..?" I whispered. He nodded.
"Yeah, I did." Niall said in a low voice and pecked my lips.
"Okay, let's roll then." I giggled and drove to the hospital.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." Niall laughed when I was making sure I didn't hurt him when getting out of car. I looked at few girls waiting a bit further.
"Fans." Niall whispered to me.
"Ah, okay... Will you?" I asked. Niall sighed.
"What do you think?" he whispered.
"Well, I think you should. Niall they support you even now, they have faith in you. They're waiting for you to come back to them. Show them that still here and care for them." I smiled touching his cheek.
"Yeah, you're right. I'll come in a bit." he smiled and turned to the girls direction. I locked the car and watched him from aside. I went to hospital's direction waiting for him.
"You're ready to run some tests?" I asked when he came to me. He nodded letting me to push his chair. I sat on the chair waiting for Niall. I looked at the room, the one I'm kinda afraid of... Ear checking. I know I barely hear with my right ear and I need an aid to help me but I'm still hoping I don't but deep down inside I know I need it. I gasped feeling Niall's hand on me.
"Diamond, I'm finished. Don't you wanna go and check?" he asked when he saw where I was looking at.
"I don't wanna..." I whined.
"But you needed it. C'mon... I wanna take care of you too." Niall said worried and knocked on the door.
"I'm running away." I whispered but he got my had. "Let go." we started doing cat fight.
"Oh, hey... Ric." I nervously smiled when door opened.
"Diamond! Did something happened?" he asked and looked at Niall.
"She needs to check her ears." Niall said squinting his eyes.
"Oh okay. I'm free now. Come in." he let us in and I gave Niall a death glare. He just rolled his eyes.
"Well, that went well." Niall said when we left the room.
"Really?? He wrote I need new hearing aids... For both ears!" I said with shaky voice.
"Hey.. hey... Diamond. What's wrong?" Niall took my hand and I sat down.
"I tried so hard to save the good ear but I failed." I whispered getting emotional.
"Diamond, calm down. Everything's going to be okay. We'll get you good new hearing aids. I'll help you." Niall stroked my hair.
"No, Niall... You're not going to buy me hearing aids. I'm not letting you do that." I said frowning my eyebrows.

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