Chapter 6

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

  You closed the door behind Taehyung, your mind not registering what just happened. You talked to one of the guests, yes, that's what happened. You covered your eyes and started laughing.

  "Hahahahaha, I'm dead." You laughed, and then sighed. You slowly slid down the door, and buried your face in your arms, while you arms rested on your knees.
  "Why does this keep happening to me..." You said, your voice muffled.

  Suddenly, you heard footsteps approaching. You quickly stood, up and acted as if you were cleaning again. This time though, thank all the gods above, it was Rose.

  "Y/N, what are you doing in here?" She asked.
  "I wanted to ask the same thing." You replied, sighing.
  "Why are you tidying the master's bedroom?" She asked.
  "I don't know either! I tried to find any higher or middle level servant to exchange, or at least hand the scroll to them, but I couldn't find anything. So I went to you, but you cut me off, and made me come here." You explained desperately.

  You didn't know why you were explaining this much, but you just didn't want to be fired, for messing up two times in a row. You knew nothing else other than cleaning, and this job, no matter how you landed it, meant everything to you. You didn't even know why you saw this stupid cleaning as something so important to you, but all you knew was that you couldn't lose it.

  "Where's your scroll?" She asked.

  You put your hand in the front pocket of your dress, quickly handing the scroll to Rose.

  "Hmm, there must have been a mistake when writing the scroll. I'll let you go this time." She said.

  You sighed in relief.

  "Did you meet anyone when cleaning the room?" She asked

  You gulped at her question. Taehyung gave you his promise, that he wouldn't tell anyone about this encounter, you didn't know how reliable his word was, but you had to take the risk, your believing him on this one.

  "No, I was alone the whole time. I made sure that the room was empty before walking in." You lied.
  "Okay, I can't change what has happened already, but it's time for you to leave, the guests are arriving, and Master might come back in his room in no time." Rose said.

  You were so happy to hear her words, allowing you to leave that room. You never wanted to go back in there again. Not only because of the possibility of you getting in trouble, but mostly because it had such a depressing feeling. The curtain was a dark, and heavy one. You could tell that it had never been opened for a long time. You never met the Master, but he should have his own reason of purposefully not opening the curtains. The room had very few lights in it, it was mostly darkness. You couldn't wait to get out that, and see light again.

  "Yes Rose." You said happily. Grabbing you stuff, and closing the door behind you.
  "Go to the back door, everyone is meeting there. I'm going to announce the chosen people to help out with tonight's dinner." She said, "I need to gather everyone." 

  You nodded, and made your way to the backdoor. Seeing everyone's faces made you feel much more at home. You never knew anyone very well, but being isolated in that depressed room was such a bad experience, seeing them just being there made you feel much better.

  Soon enough, everyone was here, and Rose was standing on the top of the staircase, looking down.

  "As promised before, a few of you will be chosen to help out with the middle and higher level servants with the dinner. For those of you wanting to make your way up, this is a perfect opportunity." Rose said, "I have based my results on the quality of your work. The best ones get to stay. Those who have not been chosen will work in the kitchen, or behind the scenes. You will not be able to see the Master." 

  Everyone nodded.

  "If I walk to you, and hand you a package, you have been chosen." She says, as she picks up the first package. 

  She walked to the first row, slowly looking at every one of their faces, then finally handing the first package.

  "The package contains a middle level servant's attire. Go back to you room and change into it when I dismiss you guys." She explained. 

  The first girl who got the package almost fainted out of excitement. Rose went to grab the second package, then the third so on and so on.

  It was the last package in no time, you could tell that everyone remaining all tensed up. But you were just hoping for this to all get over.


  Hello, sorry for the boring chapter haha, but I promise everything will become more interesting in the next one. Jungkook will also finally appear again ;))

  Thanks for watching, and have a nice day <3

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