Chapter 28

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

You were woken up by the bright rays of sunlight peaking through the curtains. You looked around, still not used to this large room. You wanted to go back to sleep, you weren't ready to face what was waiting for you. You wanted to be left alone, to go back to what things used to be.

You hid your face in your blanket, trying to block out the light, forcing yourself to go back to sleep. But you suddenly heard a sound from your window, and subconsciously raised your blanket to see what it was.

"Good morning, your grace." Jungkook said, his head dipped down, one knee on the ground, the opposite hand on his chest.
"Don't call me that." You groaned.

He chuckled, and went to open the curtains. It took you a moment to get used to the change in light, but once you regained your vision, Jungkook was sitting next you on your bed.

"What would you like for breakfast, your grace?" He asked.
"Nothing." You said, "I feel like I'm going to die for certain this time if I eat anything." 
"Don't worry, V is in charge of supervising and checking your food today." He said. "You have nothing to worry about."
"What do you guys have in planned today?" You asked, trying to avoid the breakfast question.
"We need to start preparing for a war." Jungkook said, his expression darkening. "And therefore we would need to train you to get used to your powers."

You gulped. Ever since you knew that you had powers, you did your best to try and not think about them. You didn't want to use them, you were afraid of them. Afraid of the things they could do, the things they allowed you to do. 

Jungkook saw the fear in your eyes, and lightly ruffled your hair.

"I'll be next to you throughout everything." He reassured you.
"I just don't know if you guys thought this through..." You said, looking down at the ring you were playing with. "I don't think I'm capable of doing what you guys expect me to do."

You weren't lying when you said that. It was scary that they knew you better than you knew yourself. The moment you found out about your true identity, you felt like your world crumbled in front of your eyes. You knew that many would kill to have this told to them, that they were the true heir to the throne, but you didn't. You would gladly hand over the throne to whoever wanted it. All you wanted was to be free, to go out and explore what the world had to offer.

"You are." He said, snapping you out of thought. You wanted to reply, but he cut you off.
"Now don't think that you escaped the breakfast question. If you won't eat yourself, I'll feed you." He said.
"No! I'll eat!" You said out of panic.

He waited for you to get ready, and escorted you downstairs. The stares that the other servants gave you never changed. Those evil, jealous glares. You did your best to ignore them.

After breakfast, Jungkook lead you to Jhope to start your training.

"Good morning, your highness." Jhope said, bowing down.

You nodded, and looked up at Jungkook.

"Before we do anything to train you to attack, you need to know how to defend yourself. Defending is overlooked many times, but with good defense you will always be able to at least run away without being hit." Jungkook explained.
"And as the protector of the seven of us, and of course you, your grace. I will be the first one to help you as you master the skill of protection." Jhope winked at Jungkook, finishing his sentence.

You nodded.

"Please have a seat." Jhope said, as you did what was instructed.
"Protection, unlike a lot of attacks, require much focus. You need to focus on the things you want to protect, and the things that you want to keep out." Jhope started, "To do that, you will need to be extremely well aware of your surroundings."

You looked around, trying to remember every detail of the room.

"We can start simple, try to have a force field around your hands." Jhope said.

You closed your eyes, and imagined your hands. You really focused on them, and thought of the surroundings as everything you didn't want. Slowly, you could feel something around your hands.

"What a beautiful color." You heard Jungkook say, as you open your eyes.

You were met with a faint light blue color around your hands. But once you opened your eyes, the color started to blink, and then it disappeared.

"That's a good start your grace. It takes practice, but you will get the hang of it. Soon enough, you will be able to produce different types of force fields of different functions." Jhope encouraged. "And at the end of the day, you shouldn't be able to use this much since I should be the one protecting you."

"As will all of us."

Hellooo, weekly update here !! Hope you guys didn't miss me ;)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for watching, and have a nice day<33

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