Chapter 34

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*??? P.O.V.*

"Let me in please let me in!" I pleaded.

The guards looked down at me as if looking down at some peasant. I couldn't bare the way they stared down at me, and if it weren't for the situation I was in, I would send them off somewhere they would die on their own. But as for now, I have more pressing issues to worry about.

"His grace is in a meeting. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait." The guard said.

"You will let me in this instance, or I will report to the King about this treatment, and your head will be brought to me." I took the guard up by his collar.

The other guard beat me to the ground using this spear.

"You can report to him all you like, but as for now you will have to wait." The other guard said.


I raced pass them, opening the door for myself. The King was indeed in a meeting, but that meeting would have to wait. Everyone seemed surprised by my entrance, the King was obviously furious.

"What is the meaning of this." He called.
"I'm sorry your grace, we tried to stop him." The guards said, kneeling down.
"It's not their fault." I said, "I pushed past them."

The King narrowed his eyes, and signaled the guards to leave.

"Tell me, what is it that couldn't wait for another few minutes." The King demanded.
"Your majesty," I started, "I have come back from the princess." 

The King stood up.

"Lies!" He declared, "I sent you over to get rid of her. You come back to now tell you even you agree with her?" 
"Your grace, she made me send a message back to you."

The King's chest was rising up and down. I didn't want to do this, but they were watching. If I did anything that they didn't like, I would be killed immediately. I lifted my shaking palm, looking at the mark they put on me.

"And?" The King sat back down.
"She says that, and I quote: 'I give you one week to give up the throne. If you insist on lifting your head against mine. The next we meet, will be the last time you have a head.'" I declared.

Everyone in the room gasped. Rage filled the King's eyes. 

"Silence!" He said. "I sent you to rid the so called princess out of the kingdom, yet you come back telling me she is well and alive. At the same time as sending out a declaration of war."

I looked towards the ceiling.

"Please! I sent your message, let me free!" I pleaded.


*Y/N P.O.V.*

You look through the floating mirror, and then look up at Jungkook.

"There's no way we're going to set him free." You said.
"He's a tricky man. He's been here before, and knows our location. Setting him free will only lead him to betray us." Jungkook examined.

You nodded, then made the mirror disappear. You had the same mark of the man on your hand. As long as you wished to leave the mark, he would live.

Sadly he's not going to.

You summoned a dagger, and slit your palm. The mark was now drained in your blood, and soon enough, it disappeared. The man was dead.

You sighed, and shook your head. 

How I wish there was another way to solve this issue. But he was getting on my nerves. Sparing his life would mean trouble. Plus, isn't this more fun?

Wait, what? No.

You had a massive head ache. It was as if part of you wasn't behaving like your normal self. It was as if part of you had a mind of its own. You rested your head on your hand, closing your eyes, trying to regain control on your body.

Jungkook noticed that something was off, as he laid his hand on your shoulder. Normally, you wouldn't have any reaction to this, but this time, it pissed you off for some reason. You flicked his hand back using magic.

"Don't touch me peasant!" You declared.

He stumbled backwards, his eyebrows furrowed together out of the pain. He shook his hand.

"Y/N?" He asked softly, "Is everything okay?"

You suddenly regained consciousness. What happened? Why is Jungkook hurt? What happened to your voice? When you said those words, why was there such a powerful echo? You looked down at your trembling hands, not knowing what to do.

"Y/N?" He asked again.
"Jungkook..." You started, "I-I don't know what's happening with me."

He walked up to you, cupping your face with his hands, touching your forehead with his.

"Hey..." He started, "It's okay. I'm okay. It's just your powers, they're growing stronger everyday, you just need to get used to it."
"No, it's more than that..." You said, "There's this..."
"Sh sh shhh." He hushed, "You're overthinking. You're okay, everything is okay. Don't think about it." 

Maybe you were overthinking it. Maybe it was just your powers taking over your head. No matter what it was, you needed to overcome it. 

I'll be okay...

Oh honey, that's funny.

HEHEHEHEHE, I don't know if you guys are noticing anything. HEHEHHEEHHEH, sorry, I'll stop. Never have I ever wrote anything near to this style. I sure hope the message is getting across...Oh well, you guys will understand as the story goes on ;)

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day<33

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