Chapter 25

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*Jungkook P.O.V.*

I sat there in silence listening to the other guys speak. I wanted to fight back for Y/N, stand up for her. I knew that the guys were furious, and they had all the right to be. But I don't think that Y/N is the one to blame. The Y/N I know isn't like this. 

The guys don't know this, but Y/N and I have a long history together. We were playmates when we were younger. She and I would sneak out of our classes, and meet each other in the "secret hiding spot" that we found her back garden. We didn't do much there, but we spent a lot of time talking. We developed feelings for each other, it was subtle, but I knew both of us could feel it.

I fell head over heels for her, even at such a young age. Every time she smiled at me, it felt like she could light up my entire day. When her started to sparkle when she spoke about anything she was interested it. All those little things, they just made my heart skip a beat. We even made this stupid little promise, that when we grew up we were going to marry each other. 

But things didn't go as we expected it. Soon enough, I was forced to go through training, to go "fulfill my destiny", and she became extremely busy. We never got the chance to see each other again, until that day we were brought to her, only knowing that our duty now was to protect her. We had to sign these contracts that made us loyal to her.

At first I was excited, to finally see her again. I had so much to say, so many things to share. But when I walked into that room, seeing her cold eyes, and harsh tone. I realized that the Y/N I knew was gone. The girl standing in front of me, isn't Y/N anymore. She was a complete stranger. Though part of me thought that she was still somewhere in there, but from the way the guys kept describing her, and the few interactions I've had with her. I knew that she was officially gone.

"Jimin." RM said, as Jimin walked through the door. "Shift's over?"
"Yeah." He said, not looking at anyone.
"We're planning a war." Suga said, looking out the window.
"I know, I heard." He simply replied.
"You in on it?" Suga asked.

I looked up at Jimin, not knowing what ti expect. He was always the most kind hearted one among the guys. Joining in on a war never seemed like something he would do. But I was proven wrong that day. Jimin looked up, his expression dark, his eyes cold and stern.

He said in a steady voice:

"Count me in."

*Jimin P.O.V.*

"Your grace..." I said, my voice trembling.

I looked around at the guards, not knowing how to tell her without letting everyone know. She immediately caught onto the signal, and ordered everyone to leave the room.

"What's wrong?" She asked.
"You were right." I said, feeling beaten for some reason.

After she opened up to me, I vowed to myself to always be there for her. I know the feeling of being so helpless. I know the feeling of not having anyone to talk to. And because I was so familiar with those feelings, I didn't want her to go through that. I remember when I first came here, and the guards wouldn't listen to me whenever I gave off orders.

Technically speaking I was at a higher rank than they were, and I had all the right to order them to do things. But I didn't like doing any of that, I hated ordering other people. I was always the one receiving orders. Whenever I was in a helpless state, Y/N would always stand up for me whenever she could. It felt like an angel had came across. She was like a savior to me, the first person to notice this, and even take action. She always had my back, and I thought that this time I could finally do something for her.

She smiled and looked down at her hands.

"How much do you know?" She asked.
"Enough to come and tell you." I replied.

She looked outside, and took a deep breath.

"I'll die then and there." She finally said.
"I won't let that happen." I replied sternly.
"Let it happen." She said.
"What? Why?" I asked, confused.
"If I don't die then, there's going to be more danger surrounding me." She started, "I need to die there, and let everyone see. Everyone needs to know that I died. Everyone except for you." She said, turning towards me.

I had no idea what she was going on about, but I kept listening.

"Don't try and stop them Jimin." She said, "In fact, you know what? Join them, say that you're in for the plan, help them onto killing me, but don't tell them that you'll be bringing me back." She let out an evil grin.
"How would I do that?" I asked.

"By summoning me back."

Oooohhhhh. I just love moving the plot forward. Is everything starting to make sense. I sure hope so, there's more to come don't worry. I haven't even started on the Suga storyline yet hehe ;)

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, thanks for watching, and have a nice day <33

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