Chapter 38

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

Lori had her head down, a weak smile on her face. It was as if her name brought up something she didn't want to talk about. You felt bad all of sudden.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." You mumbled. "I wasn't expecting that your name brought you so much pain."

She shook her hand and sighed.

"It's not pain really...It's hard to explain." She said, staring down at her hands. "But it's passed now. I can't change what happened. I can only look forwards."

You didn't know what to reply. You wanted to know what was it that caused her sudden change of face, but at the same time, seeing how much it affected her, you didn't want to push her to do something she didn't want to do.

"So are my techniques working?" She asked, snapping you out of thought.
"Y-yes! They are. People around me have been complimenting me for my improvements." You said, proud.
"That's great! I'm happy that I'm helping."

Silence fell upon the two of you. Everything turned awkward. You wanted to think of something to say, but the words were stuck in your throat. You finally gained the courage to try to make a move, but she stood up.

"Y/N." She said.
"I don't know how much longer I get to see you anymore." She said.

You furrowed your brows.

"What do you mean?"
"I-" She cut herself off. "I'm just trying to give you a heads up. I don't know how many more times I can visit you anymore. Try to forget about me."

Her words caught you off guard. Forget about her? After weeks of seeing her in your dreams, after weeks of bonding with her, and having so much fun, she's telling you to forget about her? She seemed like the only person who understood you. 

You didn't want to complain to the guys about the things that were bothering you, you knew that they were working as best they can trying to make you happy. But even with that in mind, you weren't the happiest. Talking to Lori while she helped you trained took a lot of that burden off your shoulders.

If she left, you wouldn't have anyone to talk to. You wouldn't have a method of releasing your anger, your frustration. And most importantly, you would be losing your only friend.

It seems funny that this girl you see in your dream, who you're not even sure if she's real, is the only friend you have. It's kind of pathetic really. Whenever you think about having only this, most likely imaginary friend being your only friend. It really says a lot.

"Wait no Lori, what happened? Why are you leaving so soon?" You asked.
"Just, forget about it Y/N." She turned around, and crouched in front of you.

She took both of your hands, and looked you straight in the eyes.

"No matter what happens. Just know that..." She opened her mouth, her lips shaking. 
"Lori?" You asked.

"I'm sorry."

After that, Lori never visited your dreams again. You didn't understand the reason behind her sudden disappearance. You never got the chance to ask. No matter how hard you tried to somehow recreate the dreams of where you got to meet her,

You were only met with disappointment.


*Lorianna P.O.V.*——Flashback

I never said I was proud of my decision. If I had the chance to go back and stop myself, I would sacrifice anything to do so.  I sold my soul away, for what? Power. Yes, I did that. I made the stupid mistake, of signing a contract with the devil. 

Why? I don't know why. Looking back, I'm sure there had to be another way to solve my problems. I was tortured. Not physically. Mentally. I had no freedom, I had no one to lean to. Every time I thought I found someone I could trust. They all turned out to be spies or "friends" that liked me only because of my title.

Was it only that? Was it only because of loneliness that I did what I did? No. It was so many things, all compiled together. It was the court, the people, my friends, and even my parents. Mother died giving birth to me, and Father quickly found himself a new wife. They both hated me. 

To father, I was a reminder of a person he loved. He looked at me as if I was a murderer. To my step mother, I was a threat to her position to the throne. So many times they attempted to murder me. If it weren't for my maid, the only person in the entire Kingdom who really cared about me, stopping me from drinking that glass of water. I would have been dead.

Where is she now? It's a funny story actually. It's like, to escape death, you need to give him a life. He was supposed to take mine, but I was lucky enough to avoid it. So then he decided to take hers.


They sentenced her to death.

Man, I hate it when I can't seem to effectively bring my ideas across. I know it's getting confusing, and I might need to rethink the storyline a bit, but I promise I will make all of this make sense!! So bear with me guys :,)

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day<33

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