Chapter 24

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*Jimin P.O.V.*

The conversation didn't last long, as Y/N's meeting needed to start soon. All the conversation was about was that she felt she was in danger, that someone is plotting to kill her, that neither of the seven of us, or even the seven of us combined will be able to stop. She felt like she couldn't trust anyone, and that she didn't have anyone to talk to except for me.

I didn't understand the purpose of this talk, but I still listened to her carefully nonetheless. I would never be able to understand what she's going through, being royalty and everything, but I do understand the feeling of not being able to talk to anyone.

I walked back to the guys. Jin hyung was sitting on the roof, looking out for any of type of potential threat. I went up to sit next to him. I really needed to take a breather, find a place where I had a good vision.

"Hi hyung." I said, jumping up the roof.
"Ah, Jimin-ie. What brings you up here?" He asks.
"Just been tired lately. I don't know why." I sighed, sitting down next to him.
"Everyone has been." He said, looking up into the sky.

I looked down into the horizon. Everything seemed so peaceful. The villagers were walking around, some selling things, others buying. I sometimes wished I could leave this contract thing behind, and experience what it feels like to be a normal citizen.

"When do you think this'll end?" I asked.
"I don't know. We've sold our souls basically, there's no turning back from that." He said.

I fell silent. He's right. We're bound to this contract forever, we won't age, won't die. Everything will be the same for eternity. 

"Do you regret this?" I asked.
"I can't say." He said.
"We're stuck like this forever." I laughed weakly.

Jin hyung said nothing. He only looked down at his hands, his expression darkened. He clearly was in deep thought. I wanted to ask what he was thinking, but the face he gave off told me that it was something that I should keep away from.

"Maybe not." He said standing up.

I was about to ask him what he meant, but he turned to me before I could say anything.

"Her meeting's over. We should get to the second location." He said, and left before I could say a word.

His reply left me in thought the rest of the day. What did he mean by 'maybe not'? Was there a way out of this? And if there was, why would he not tell any of us? 

Once my shift was over, I was walking back to our dorm. We have off-time, as we rotate through the schedule when Y/N is within the castle. In the castle she has many guards on her side, so she only needs one of us by her side. 

I was about to open the door when I heard talking within the dorm. I decided to remain outside the door and see what it was about.

"This is getting out of hand." I heard Suga hyung say. "They're planning to wipe us all out."
"Calm down, we don't know that for sure." I hear Jin hyung say.
"Isn't it obvious? She's draining our energy out, forcing us to obey even when we clearly don't want to. We're the sons of the seven families, we're like the families representatives. They way she treats us directly reflects how her family wants to treat our families." 

I was left in shock. Suga hyung was implying that Y/N was using our contracts to take energy away from us, keeping us strong enough to fight off her potential threats, but weak enough to not be able to fight against her. Is this why we've all been feeling this tired?

"We need to stop this." Suga hyung finally said.
"There has to be another way." RM hyung said.
"No, there is no other way. This war is inevitable." 

War? They were planning to start a war agaisnt Y/N's family? How is that even possible? We are no match against them. I didn't listen to what they had to say next. I immediately ran away from the dorm.

I had to warn Y/N, she was right all along. There was a threat against her, and we were no match against it. It should have been so obvious to me when she said that. How did she know about this? Does she even know about this, or was it just a gut feeling that she had? Either way, she needed to be warned. 

I never would have thought this ended up this way.

I stopped at her door,  and knocked on it.

"Come in." She said.

I opened the door, and she could tell the fear on my face. 

"What's wrong?"

The seven of us are no match against this, we wouldn't be able to stop it.

Because we are the threat she was talking about.

Helloooo. Hehehehe, this book just gets more and more interesting. Or at least I'm getting more and more excited to write the chapters. There's more to come I promise. This just gets more and more complicated from here.

I hope everything is starting to make sense to you guys. I sure did enjoy writing this chapter. Is everything that Jimin's doing making sense now? If not, I'm sure it will in the next chapters hehe.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for watching and have a nice day <33

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