Chapter 21

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*??? P.O.V.* 

"Poison her food, that's all you have to do." I said.
"What if I get caught?" She asks.
"You won't, I can guarantee that." I said.
"How do you know? How can you even be sure?" She said, I could feel the fear in her voice. 
"They'll need me in the process of finding the culprit, I'll ask you myself, and tell them that you're clean." I explained.

She didn't seemed convinced, but I was running out of time. No one knew I was here, and if I disappear for too long someone is bound to find me. It's not a hard job goddamnit, I though to myself. If it weren't for the fact that I needed to stay clean in order to keep on with my mission, I would have just have myself do it.

"But..." She said, but I knew I was spending too much time already.
"Just do it, if you want your sister to live." I said, walking away.
"Please...I'll do anything else ! Just leave my sister alone." She pleaded, falling to her knees.
"That will be determined by you. It's simple, corporate, and she lives, disobey, and she dies." I walked out of the room, 

Leaving her sobbing on her own.

*Suga P.O.V.*

We gathered all the servants, and was about to start the questioning, but then Jimin walked in, with that stupid smile that he fools everyone with.

"Need my help?" He asked, walking next to Jungkook.

Jungkook looked down at the servants, they all looked terrified, not daring to make one sound.

"Not for now, as much as your chain will help to keep them from running away, we need something that really threatens them. Suga hyung's needles along with either V hyung or my illusions coming together should do the trick." Jungkook explained. 

I smirked at Jimin. Don't you try to ruin this for me.

"You're really going full on with these people..." Jimin commented.

Jungkook said nothing, as Jimin sighed, and put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Stop blaming yourself, you did all you could to protect her. At least she didn't eat the food right? That's the best possible outcome from something like this." Jimin comforted.
"I did nothing. If it weren't for you stopping her on time, she would have died all over again." Jungkook said.

I stared at Jimin. You're always the one that ruins everything.

"You did everything you could, you still are, which is all that matters." Jimin said, "You sure you don't need me?" 
"No, I would rather have you guard Y/N while we're here." Jungkook replied.

I started to get impatient. We don't have all day, and my plan is at higher risk of failing the longer we postpone this.

"Are we going to get started or not?" I said, bored.
"Yes, immediately." Jungkook said.
"Well good luck, I'll be guarding downstairs if you need me." Jimin patted Jungkook's shoulder and left.

Jungkook looked down at the servants, in a loud and clear tone he started the questioning process.

"You will all be asked individually, only after you have been questioned will the force field allow you to leave." He said. "Meanwhile, you are allowed to sit down and wait. Once your name is called you enter the room."

Jungkook then turned to me.

"Suga hyung, V and I can take turns applying illusions, you will have to be consistent with your power throughout the entire process."  He said.
"No problem." I smirked.

I loved doing this, it brought me back to my old days, back in my family. We were the ones that got all the prisoners the other families caught, and were the ones doing the questioning, as our needle powers were feared by many.

The process went rather quickly, Jungkook and V had two rooms, and I only had to sit outside. If the illusions didn't work, that was when they needed me. This didn't go exactly as I planned it, but it didn't bother my plan much. 

After I think like fifteen minutes of just sitting around, I was finally called into business.

"Suga hyung, I think we found her." V said, walking out of the room. "She's not showing clean results, you can have her."

I stood up, my heart pounding. Here goes nothing. I walk into the room, closing the door behind me. This is it, the moment I have been waiting for, but right as I was about to start the plan, V barged in, his face in panic.

"Hyung stop ! Y/N was just found in her room unconscious." He said.

I turned to the girl, she was sweating from the illusion. This was my chance, how could I just leave it like this? I don't think I'll have a better opportunity if I let this one go.

"Hyung what are you waiting for ! This can wait, we need to go to Y/N, we can't risking having her killed." V pulled my wrist, dragging me behind him.

Right as we were about to leave, I gave an evil eye to the girl.

I'll get you next time.

Hello, I know, things got complicated real fast, and as said before, there's more to come. But I promise all of this will make sense as you keep reading :) Still liking the book so far? I sure hope so, I'm putting so much effort into this, and all of your comments (which I do read), really mean a lot. They really motivate me into writing these stories, so thank you to all who leave those wonderful comments <33

Anyways, thanks for watching, hope you enjoy the chapter, and have a nice day <3

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