Chapter 23

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*??? P.O.V.*

I walked down to where all the servants were held waiting for questioning. I was about to open the door leading to that room, but I stopped myself before I did. If I walked through that door, all the servants will see who I am, and I might get caught. 

I looked around, looking for another entrance, and found a backdoor. I quickly walked through it and made my way into the rooms where the last people before Y/N was found unconscious were questioned. I opened the door, and there she was, sitting on a chair, almost crying.

"Can you leave my sister alone now, I did what you asked!" She pleaded.

I walked up to her, smiling.

"I know you did, and I'm proud of you." I said, crouching down.
"Please, let me go. Let both of us go." She said, almost in a half whisper.
"I will, eventually." I said.

She looked up in shock, her eyes giving off fear.

"What do you mean! I did what you asked! What more do you want." She said.
"Shhh, now don't get angry. I promised you that if you did what I wanted, I wouldn't kill your sister." I repeated, I could see the hatred in her eyes. "But I never said I would let her go." 

I could tell she wanted to scream, but I covered her mouth before that.

"Now, Jungkook thinks he's found the culprit, so you clearly aren't safe here anymore. There's a backdoor right around the corner. You can escape through that. I'll call you back when your next task comes up. Meanwhile, you run to the old castle, and give the guard a message." I stopped, looking behind me, making sure that no one was coming.

"Tell him that I won't forgive them for what they did, and that she will come back to take back what belongs to her. And her revenge."

I let go of her face, and watched her clumsily make her way through the backdoor. I stood up, and looked up at the ceiling. I know that Jungkook will hate me for this, but he doesn't understand. Man, I sure do hope that if there is an afterlife, that we could meet in a different way. A time and place where we could be friends,

Instead of enemies.

*Jimin P.O.V.*

I was guarding the door, waiting for her to finish getting ready. As her guards, we were paid to keep her safe, guard her wherever she went. That meant that we knew her schedule very well, as we could come up with different strategies when it came to trying to protect her safety.

She had to attend many confidential meetings, that we could not enter, this was one of them. I wouldn't describe this job as boring, as it certainly wasn't. She was the princess of this kingdom, with the power she and her family possess, they are always on the hit list of someone. 

The first week we worked here, we already stopped several different assassination missions. She seemed to be used to it, and the members and I got used to it eventually. But there was something off with the members. I couldn't quite put my finger on what. They all seemed tired, both mentally and physically. 

She came out of her room, snapping me out of my thought. I quickly stood up straight, and stared up into the wall. I bowed my head as she walked pass, preparing to follow her, when she stopped. I looked up in confusion.

"Jimin," She said, as my head shot up. "I would like to have a word with you." 

I looked around, not knowing what to do.

"Everyone leave us." She said, her tone was threatening.

No one moved, and I couldn't blame them. If something was to happen to her when they left, everyone were to blame for it. It was a risk too big to take.

"I said leave." I could feel this force coming out of her, forcing all of us to leave. 

I was about to turn around, when she held my wrist, and the force was immediately gone. 

She made sure that everyone was in a safe distance away, and leaded to me the back garden. I didn't know what to do, or what to say. She could sense that I was nervous, so she sat down on the nearest bench.

"Don't be nervous." She said softly. "I just want to talk."

I nodded slowly.

"I just feel like there's no one to talk to, all the maids are talking shit behind my back and I know it. All the other guys are all too serious. I just think that the only person I can talk to is you." She started.

I said nothing.

"You can talk." She sighed. "I feel like everyone hates me, that they're plotting something behind my back. Even with you guys paid to protect me, I don't think I'm safe." 
"Don't worry your highness, we will keep you safe. No matter the costs." I said.
"No Jimin. I want you to swear to me, that you will keep me safe." She said, looking directly in my eyes.

I didn't understand the purpose of her making me do this, but I went with it anyways.

"I promise."

Man do I love making progress. I sure hope someone is seeing connections happening. I've been dropping so many hints !!! Also, so sorry for a late chapter, was sick, got better, end of story haha.

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the chapter, have a nice day <33

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