Chapter 27

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*Jungkook P.O.V.*

I examined her face inch by inch. She reminded me so much of the girl that stole my heart at such a young age. Her eyes gave off the warm, innocent gaze that I recall from when we were younger. She remembers nothing, but I still remember everything. From the little details, to the big promises. 

I cupped her face, wanting to persuade myself that this was true. That though we wiped her memory, she turned back into the Y/N that I knew. But something told me that this was only temporary, that the other Y/N would come back.

She seemed shocked by my actions, she slowly put her hand over mine, and tears started to drip down her face. 

"Why are you crying?" I asked, scared that I accidentally summoned the other Y/N back somehow.
"I don't know...." She said, "This touch, just seems familiar. I'm scared Jungkook. I don't know of what, I just feel like I won't be here for long. I just feel that something is going to take over me somehow."

I stared at her. She felt the same way as I did.

"Don't worry, I'll be here for you no matter what." I said.

She looked at me. I could still see the fear in her eyes. I kissed her forehead. I didn't get to keep this promise then, but I'll get to do it now.

I was about to leave, but she grabbed the edge of my sleeve.

"Please don't go..." She said weakly.

It must be scary for her. She went from a nobody, to almost having her life taken way in mere days. I sighed, and sat back down. I took her hand, put it on my lips and gave it a small kiss. I never knew I missed her touch so much.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said, taking off my necklace, and detaching the ring on it.

She looked at me in confusion.

"Put this on your finger. This crystal is connected to mine. Whenever you feel slightly nervous, I will sense it, and I will teleport next to you immediately." I said.

I put the ring on the ring finger of her right hand. 

"You promise?" She said.
"I promise." I repeated.

She let go, as I walked out of the room. Now it was time to kill whoever did this to Y/N. I was growing impatient. It's been a while since I ever went on killing, as Y/N and I made a deal to never kill unless absolutely necessary. 

I walked back into the dungeon. Suga, Tae and Jimin hyung were already there.

"They escaped." Suga said, clearly holding back his anger.
"It's not surprising." I commented calmly. "The person who made Y/N unconscious clearly did it to grab our attention, creating an opportunity to make the person escape." 
"What should we do now?" Taehyung asked.

I fell silent. We have little time to lose. The escape of the culprit meant that the world was going to know that Y/N is well and alive soon. It won't take long for the rulers to find out, and do all they can to kill her. She's a threat to them. The rightful heir to the throne, the last of the most powerful family to survive.

"We need to prepare for a war." I replied.
"It's funny how years ago, we did all we can to prevent a war. And here we are, preparing for one." Jimin laughed.
"I sure wish that it wouldn't have to be like this." I sighed.
"Neither do any of us." Taehyung shook his head.

"We'll have to train Y/N then." Suga hyung pointed out, "She's the most powerful out of all of us. We just need to tell her the correct method to use her powers."
"We can take shifts, teaching her what we know." Jimin suggested.
"That's a good idea." I said.
"Let's start tomorrow then. We don't have much time to lose." Taehyung said.

After that, they all left, as I walked back to Y/N's room. I opened the door to find her asleep. I close the door gently behind me, and sit next to her on the bed. How I wish that it didn't have to be this way. How I wished that I could just take her away, fool everyone into thinking that the both of us were dead, and roam around the world like she always wanted to. 

I took up her hand, looking at the ring. I never planned to give it to her like this. This ring was given to me from my father. 

"This ring is given to the person you love." He told me. "There are only two crystals like this in the entire world, you give one to the person you love, and you two will be connected no matter how far apart you are."

One day, I will move that ring to her left hand.

Back onto the main story line !!! Ah, excited to see what happens next? I can't wait to write it :,) Man I wish I could put more in each chapter, but sadly you guys will have to wait for the next chapter ;)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for watching and have a nice day <33

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