Chapter 16

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

You watched as all the guys walked out, making sure that they closed the door behind them. The lights were off, and you wanted to keep them that way. The shades were closed as well, but they were made out of silk, allowing moonlight to somehow make its way through, filling up your room with its light.

You sat on your bed, not wanting to sleep. The window wasn't fully closed, a gush of window blew the shades open. You liked the feeling of the wind brushing in your face, through your hair, it felt like it could blow away all the burdens on your shoulders. You didn't know what to feel towards your decision, it was stupid nonetheless, and you didn't even know what motivated you, but something told you that it had to be done.

You stood up, and walked towards the window. You looked down, seeing V and Jimin at the door, standing there, both hands behind their backs, not talking to each other, guarding the door, like they said they would.

You looked back up into the sky. Though you had no memory about your past, but you always enjoyed the night. When everyone was asleep, you liked being awake, enjoying and bathing in the calmness of the night. You loved how quiet everything was, how no one could bother you from just enjoying the loneliness of the night.

You took a deep breath, when suddenly you felt a presence in the room. You turn your back quickly, and you saw him, standing there, his right hand on his left chest, his other hand behind his back, his head slightly tilted down.

"You should be asleep your grace." He said.
"I know." You replied simply.

You turn back to the window, your eyes drooping down, not from how sleepy you felt, but how uneasy you felt.

"It's a beautiful night, today." Jungkook commented.
"It has always been beautiful." You replied.
"You've always loved the night, your grace." He said, walking next to you.

You looked at him, in shock. He seem to have read your mind.

"Is that so." You said, lookin down.
"It was when you finally had time to relax, from all the things you had to do in the day." He said, "being a royal member, you never had the time to relax and be yourself, but at night, it meant that no one was keeping an eye on you, it meant that you could do what you wanted to, not what they told you to."

You said nothing. It's like he could tell what you were thinking about, by merely looking at your eyes.

"What would I do then?" You asked, it was weird, seeing a guy that you didn't know, know much more about yourself, than you did.
"You would escape through the window, run through the woods, fly in the air sometimes. Anything that called for adventure, you'd do." Jungkook said, smiling a little.

You looked closely at his handsome face. The moonlight made a portion of his hair look light brown, it highlighted his cheekbones, making his face look more sculpted than usual. His long eyelashes, his tall nose, his dark brown eyes. His face looked so perfect, yet for some reason, there was a slight sadness shown.

You shifted your eyes away from him.

"Why are you here, Jungkook?" You asked.
"I am here to support in what I believe in." He answered.
"And what do you believe in?" You asked again.
"That you should be the rightful ruler." He replied.

You knew that there was something else motivating him, something that he clearly didn't want to talk about. You stared blankly at him, trying to read him, wanting to read him, like he does to you, but nothing came out of that.

He suddenly sparked interest in you, the fact that he saw through your question, and replied, but not giving you your answer at the same time, you knew that he's been through something, something tragic, horrible even, the fact that he saw right through your schemes, confirmed that he wasn't as simple as he portrays himself to be.

"And what if I'm not?" You asked, walking back to the bed.

He didn't reply you, only helping you, taking the jacket you handed him, squaring down to take off your shoes. He walked away, to the bookshelf on the other side of the room. On there, was a box, which he opened and took something out of it. He then lit a candle, and walked back to you, placing the tray of the candle on your bedside.

You looked at him, confused as to what he was planning to do. He took your hand, and placed a ring, with a lock on it, on your thumb.

"Then I shall stand against the world, to prove that you are."

Hello my beauties, for those of you who were wondering why I didn't update last week, it's because I was sick. But don't worry, all is good now, good news is that I have so many new,y developed ideas in this book, that I'm so excited to write down, so stay tuned for that !!

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day<3

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