Chapter 39

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*Lorianna P.O.V.*——Flashback

She and I were best friends, she was a couple years older than me. We were half sisters, Father one wife, who was my Mother, but he cheated a lot. I told Mother to just tell the public how big of an asshole Father really was, but she kept insisting that it would bring too much trouble in the family.

She was the product of Father and some other woman. After Father found out that he got another woman pregnant, he waited until the baby was born and then sentenced the woman to death. Father also wanted to murder the baby, but Mother stopped him. Mother treated the baby as one of her own, and even when she got me, she loved the both of us equally.

That period of my life, was the happiest I ever was. Despite how Father treated us, Mother was always there to ensure the two of us that we were safe, and that no one was going to hurt us. She kept telling us to do what hearts desired. Even with the help of Mother, the council didn't allow her to be titled as princess, they said that since Mother was Queen, only her children could be able to have a royal title.

After heated debate on what to do with her, Mother finally managed to keep her around me as a servant. She was fine about it, as long as it meant that we could stay together. No one really knew, but behind closed doors, both Mother and I treated her like one of us. I would share my food with her, and told her to sleep in my room. Though she kept insisting that she was servant, and that she was not destined to experience such a luxurious life, I still managed to sneak many things to her.

This only lasted for a few years. Those few years passed by so quickly. Everything seemed fine at the start, and I truly thought that my life would be like this forever. I honestly wouldn't have complained if it were. But then came the death of Mother.

No, it wasn't Father. Even though many times he wanted a divorce, but the council said that having a divorce would bring the Kingdom into chaos, so thinking of the people, he never had the guts to do it.

Mother was on a trip to another Kingdom, trying to solve an issue we had with another Kingdom. From the news I received, there was an ambush, and Mother didn't make it. There was a whole month dedicated for her, the entire Kingdom was covered with clouds of sadness. Both she and I cried our hearts out when we found out. 

After the Kingdom recovered from the loss, my life was then turned upside down. Father married another woman, and they had a son. Both she and I were basically abandoned. Being the eldest of the kids with a proper title, I was first in line to the throne.

Father must have really loved that woman. Father kept my title, but sent me and her to the edge of the Kingdom. We still had servants and everything to ensure our safety, as well as a representative from the council, and my title as princess was kept. But I'm guessing that woman wasn't happy hearing that her son wasn't going to sit on the throne. Many times I received threat letters telling me to abandon my title, and step down from the throne.

I wanted to, I really did. But the council representative told me not to, he said that the people in the Kingdom hated the new queen as well, and they all rooted for me to sit on the throne. If I retired my title, then the people would mostly start a rebellion. He understands that I'm currently put in a hard position, but he said that if I did retire the title, it would mean death for me. At least keeping the title ensured that I had some degree fo safety.

After my decision of keeping the title, the letter started to come to me more frequently. Every one around started either dying or vanishing. She didn't dare to actually touch me, since I had powers she didn't possess.

I had pureblood running in my veins, I possessed the powers that my family was known for. She didn't. I never liked using my powers, and I tried to keep the usage of them to the minimum. A main reason why my family was in power was because of the magic we had. Fear was a component that ensured our rule.

I hated that. I didn't like that we had so much authority over others. But it was also that magic that kept me alive. She knew that if she did something too out of line, that I could kill both her and her son within seconds if I wanted to. But it didn't stop her to weaken the people around me.

Slowly, there were only a few people left to serve me. I was low on food, and heat. Winters started becoming a dread to me. But I tried to make sure that the people that did manage to stay alive were treated well. I still shared the little amount of food I had with them. Permitting them to sleep in my room, even if it wasn't any warmer than the other rooms. I tried to remain optimistic, but even the last few people remaining didn't make it.

There was only me and her left in the end. She took care of everything, her hands started to develop scars from all the work she had to do. Her skin wasn't as smooth as it used to be, and dark circles started to form.

I kept telling her to leave. That even with my title as princess, I couldn't provide her a life that was any better than a normal folk. I told her to find herself a job in the Kingdom, that at least that way she could afford to live better than she currently was. But she kept insisting on staying.

"I am in debt of you and your mother, I swore to her to keep you safe. Even if it cost my life." She would say.

One day, she came running into my room while I was reading. Her eyes were opened wide, and there was sweat forming on her forehead. I stood up.

"Your highness, the Palace sent people over. They said that the Queen has an order for you." She said.

I knew that moment that this meant trouble.

I walked out of my room, down to the door to greet the people. I was forcefully pushed down to my knees, to kneel as I listened to what the Queen had sent.

"You can't treat her like that! She's the princess!" She said, but I told her to stop.

Even with the title of Princess, everyone knew I had no power over anything anymore. I kneeled down, and bowed my head.

"Princess Lorianna, to celebrate the birthday of Prince Edward, the Queen has given the generous gift of a glass of wine, you are to finish them under the surveillance of a representative when the clock hits 12." He read out loud.

After the announcement was done, I was allowed to head back to my room. They told me that someone was going to serve me that glass of wine at night, and that I was supposed to drink it right before their eyes.

I knew that there was something behind this whole thing. I knew that it wasn't just a "celebration" of the Prince. I knew that there was something in that wine. But at the same time, I didn't want to fight against it anymore. With my death, she would be free from the burden of having to look after me, with my death, Father could finally live happily with his new family, with my death, I could finally see Mother again.

I was summoned to the front door, and handed the glass of wine. I stood there, waiting for the signal that the clock hit 12. This was the moment, this was it. 

Or at least, I wished that this was it. 

I know, I hate flashbacks as well, but I really wanted this part as a chapter rather than an extra chapter. I'm sorry for you guys waiting for the actual storyline, I don't think we'll get back onto that until after a couple of flashbacks. But these flashbacks provide some insight about the past, as well as Y/N, and the boys. Please bare with me :,)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for watching, and have a nice day<33

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