Chapter 8

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

You slowly walked out the kitchen, holding a tray, on the tray, seven plates of fruit were nicely placed. You never knew walking with a tray was so hard, since this usually wasn't your job. You couldn't hold back the frustration boiling in your heart. All you've been trying to do is avoid trouble, but trouble has been coming to you as if you were the embodiment of what is defined as "chaos".

You weren't in a rush, since your job right now, was to safely bring these plates to the guests. You made your way to the dining room. The door was closed, shit, you thought to yourself. By opening the door, you'd be making an entrance, and therefore all upon attention on yourself, which is the last thing you wanted.

You searched around desperately for another route to get in, and just when you thought you saw a side door, the door in front of you opened.

The light from inside the room made you squint your eyes, and when finally your eyes adjusted to the light, and you could see clearly, you saw a tall figure standing in front of you. You looked up, and he was looking down.

"Hello." He said, smiling softly.

You dipped you head, saying nothing.

"Are these the fruit plates?" He asked.

You nodded.

"Thank you, you can bring them in." He said, moving to the side giving you room to walk in.

Thankfully, the guests were talking and no one was paying attention to you. You were about to finish placing the last plate and leave, but the Master stopped you.

"Hey you." He said, as you shot your head up.

You looked back thinking he was talking to someone behind you, but all there was was a wall. You look back, staring at him.

"Why the mask?" He asked.

You dipped your head, putting your hands in front of your body, and bowed slightly.

Your rank was not supposed to even be here, how could you just speak with the Master himself. You were trying desperately to leave this place, and go back to the kitchen. You knew that everyone would kill to be where you were right now, but all you wanted was to just leave and never come back.

"Your Master is asking you a question. Don't you know wearing a mask is a sign of disrespect?" One of the guests said, bored.

You bowed again, in sign of apology.

"What are you doing? Take off your mask and talk to your Master." He said, now getting angry.

You shook your head. Your heart racing.

"Jungkook, is this how you train your servants? Do they know the rules of even being a servant?" The guest said, giving you and evil look.
"Suga hyung, I'm sure she didn't do this on purpose, you can calm down." The Master said, then smiling at you.

You quickly looked away to avoid eye contact with him.

"Jungkook you're too soft, servants are meant to be punished, let her know whose boss." The guest called Suga signaled you over. You walked to towards him and stopped in front of him.

He looked at you, and out of no where, went up and took the mask off your face.

All the servants in the room gasped, even some of the guests' jaws dropped. Your face was burning of embarrassment, not knowing what to do you dipped your head even further down, trying to hide your face.

The guest holding your mask was speechless. He turned to Jungkook.

"How...Isn't this..." But the Master cut him off.
"I told you hyung, she doesn't know." Jungkook sighed. "Y/N, is it?" He asked, making you turn, and you nodded in response.
"Come over." The Master said, and you did as told.
"Jungkook, how on earth did she end up here?" Another guest asked.
"That is a secret of my own." The Master murmured, as he stood up.

You were too scared and nervous to look at him, but he somehow made it into your gaze. He was staring directly at you. His eyes were warm, as he put a hand on your cheek.

"Did he scratch your face when taking off the mask?" He asked softly, inspecting every inch of your face.

You shook your head, not knowing how to react to this.

"I'm sorry you were scared by him. It won't happen again." He said, smiling weakly at you.

You nod, trying to hide the fact you were blushing.

All the servants around were whispering, and you could tell the Master was annoyed.

"Now she doesn't know the rules because she has her reasons, what are your reasons for purposely breaking them?" He said bored, to the other servants, making them shut up.

"Jungkook, you know keeping her here is very dangerous. To both you and her."

Hey guys!!! I'm so sorry that I didn't upload yesterday. I got home late and drifted to sleep immediately, but the weekly update is here anyways! So sorry haha...

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, thanks for watching and have a nice day<3

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