Chapter 7

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Zoey's Pov:

At the park, we started to go down the slides. Then we got bored so we decided to go on the swings.

"I really haven't been to a park in a few years, besides the ballpark," I said

"You played?"

"No, I watched. My brother used to play. He used to play baseball and football,"

"What does he do now?"

"Track and Basketball, since he can't do football anymore because of his grades,"

"Gotcha. Is he younger or are you guys twins?"

"He's the younger. He's in the 11th grade,"

"Oh, did he join any clubs?"

"Um, nothing that I know of. I've been trying to encourage him to join some, but he decided not to. So I guess he didn't, haha,"


"I really want to know about your family,"

"What do you want to know about them?"

"Why did you guys to move  here?"

"My mother found a job, which so happened to be here in the US, so here we are,"

"Nice short story,"


A few seconds later we heard music.

"Do you know how to dance?" Felix asked

"A little bit, you?"

"Yes, I actually do,"

"Oh yeah. you told me that,"

The music stopped.

"Aw, I really wanted to show you," he said

"Let me get my phone, so I can play something for you,"

I pulled my phone and went to Spotify, and it played "Under Pressure" by Queen.

He waited for a little bit to start because the music was playing. He started to dance like there was no tomorrow.

"Ok, Felix," I said while stopping the music

"You can dance," I said

"You can jive," He said back

"You know Dancing Queen?"


"Wow, not a lot of people here know ABBA. My grandmother and I saw Mama Mia,"

"That's great!"


I looked at the time. It was 6:30

"Crap," I said


"It's 6:30, and it's a school night. I gotta go,"

"I should also,"




It's short I know! The next chapter is still going to be short. But trust me, there will be some chapters long and some short. Sorry, it be like that sometimes

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