Chapter 28

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Zoey's Pov:

This week is our homecoming, and we have a spirit week. For spirit week, we have a theme for us to wear for that day. Monday is Pajama Day, Tuesday is Hat day, Wednesday is Dynamic Duos, Thursday is Jersey Day, and Friday is Glow in the dark/Neon day, which is the Homecoming theme, thanks to Felix. 

I walked into the school to go to my locker with a grey sweatshirt and black sweatpants with black Converse. As soon as I opened my locker, I felt arms around my waist. I turned my head around and saw that it was Felix.

"Hi," I said

"Hey," He said back

"Where's Jisung and Rachel?" I asked while closing my locker

"In the cafeteria. Are you excited about this weekend?"

"It's just a regular dance to me. But hey, it's my last Homecoming. I better make it last," I said while turning around to see him.

"Hey, you look nice today," Felix said

"Thank you! Same to you,"


Within the past few weeks, we've become a lot closer and we started to be a little bit more friendly. What I mean is that we had movie nights at his house and we just snuggle up. Unfortunately, I sometimes would fall asleep during the movie and I would stay overnight. He never wakes me up. It's sweet, but I would have to lie to my mom and tell her I was staying over Rachel's to study for tests.  Luckily, she believes me, but my brother would know, so I would have to bribe him with food to not tell her because he would snitch.

Rachel and Jisung have gotten more serious. Jisung has been very clingy to Rachel, but not in an annoying way. He knows when it's a good time and when it would be a bad time to cling onto her. I have a feeling that they say "I love you" to each other when I and Felix are not there. I swear, if they aren't an item by the time Homecoming is over, I'm going to flip.

"Hey, guys," Rachel said

"Hey," I responded

"Happy Homecoming week!" Felix said

"Yay! Homecoming week!" Rachel said


"Not that excited?" Felix asked

"I'm just happy that I'm going out,"


"Group hug," Rachel said

"No," I said

Felix and Rachel started to hug me. I groaned.

"Aww, we're missing the group hug?" A familiar voice said 

Felix looked up.

"Oh, hey guys," Felix said

Rachel and Felix got off of me. I sighed with relief. I looked up. It was Jeongin and Seungmin.

"Hey, guys. Where's Jisung?" I asked

"He had to go to his class so he can study for his test today," Jeongin answered

"Oh, gotcha,"

Rachel started to walk away.

"Rachel, you can't interrupt him. He's trying to study. You guys can do your coupley thing after his test," I stated

"I was actually going to class. Is that ok? You do know that we aren't dating yet,"

"It's going to happen during Homecoming. I can feel the romantic tension between you two," Seungmin said

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