Chapter 25

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Zoey's Pov:

At lunch, nothing really happened. I didn't talk to Felix or anyone at all. I just started to 'do my homework'. What I actually mean is that I started to draw random things.

After school, I ran to my car and started to play music on my phone. The first song that came on was Falling by Jack and Jack. (A/N: 10/10 recommends this song)

And I'm only falling, falling, falling, falling; For you, you, you, you



After work, I drove back home and started to get ready for the football game. Tre was already gone because he was on the football team. Well, he now he's the announcer.  They usually hang out before the game. My parents left to go on a date, then go to the game. They leave in the first half because it usually gets too boring in the second half.

Beep beep.

I looked out my window, and I see Felix's car and walked downstairs to the car.

"Hey," Felix said

"Hey," I said

"Ready to roll?"

"Yeah, I'm ready,"

We both opened our car doors, sat down, and put on our seat belts.  He backed out of his car and started driving to the school. The ride was silent.

Should I ask him about Tiffany or later?

It's better to ask him in private than in public.

"Hey, I have a question I have to ask you," I said

Why did I just say that?


"Were you planning to take Tiffany to homecoming? Not that I really care, I was just wondering,"

I can't believe that I just said that.

"No, I'm not taking her to homecoming,"

"Oh, ok,"

I wonder if he's going to ask someone. Probably not me.

"Well, we're here," He said



During the game, we were winning, 26-18.  End of the first half.

"Go, team!" The cheerleaders said

"Can we move up? It's too many people around here," I asked

"Yeah," He said

The boys and Rachel were with us.

"Hey, we're going up. Do you wanna join us?"  Felix asked

"Maybe a little bit later," Jisung said


Both of us walked up to the highest row of the stands and sat right next to each other.

"It's a really nice sight over here. These are way better than being down there," He said

"Yeah, this is my favorite spot right here," I said

"Great view to see the game,"


I laid my head down on his shoulder and he laid his head on my head.

"Your shoulder is really comfy," I said

Felix started to chuckle.

"Same with your head," He said

I started to chuckle.

"We would be warmer if we had blankets," He also said


We both started to laugh.

"Yeah, we would,"

"The first half is over. The home team is winning, 33-18,"

"Dope," I said


It was Felix's phone. He looked at it and put it down.


"Jisung is going to ask Rachel now,"

"What? How?"


It was my phone.

"Oh, he's serious," I said while shaking my head.

"Yeah. The band is supposed to play Death of a Bachelor and Jisung is supposed to walk down the middle towards the end of the song, and Rachel is supposed to be on the trackside. Well, that's all I know,"

"The school approved of this?"

"Yeah, it's really weird. No one has ever done this?"

"No, he's the first one that I know that has done something crazy like this,"

"Wow, I hope she says yes,"

I looked up to started at him.

"Trust me, she'll say yes. Jisung is a good guy, especially to her,"

"Yeah. Am I a good guy?"

"Yeah, of course. All of you guys are amazing. Someone would be lucky to be with you"

I just hope I'm one of the lucky ones.

After the opposing team's band performed. We ran to the front of the stands and started cheering for the band.

"Now, we present the Washington High School Marching Band!"

The stands went wild.

"The first song that they will be presenting is Death of the Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco"

Felix and I pulled out our phones and started recording the performance. The band members moved in sync with moving in diagonals, circles, triangles, and a couple more shapes. Toward the end of the performance, the band split up to 6 lines and you can see Jisung and Jeongin between the third and fourth lines and walk down. Jeongin having flowers in his hands and  Jisung has the poster that he made behind his back.

I felt a look from Felix and I smiled while having my focus on the performance. I looked down at Rachel. She looked so confused. The cheerleaders helped her move up.

Jisung and Rachel met each other towards the edge of the track. Jeongin flipped the poster to show what the poster said. She started to cry and nodded her head and they started to hug each other.

"She said yes!" My brother said

The crowd started clapping for them and they walked off the field. Felix and I stopped recording and ran down to meet them underneath the bleachers.

"Congrats to the new couple here," I said

"Haha you know we're just going to go as friends," Rachel said

"Whatever, you guys are still going to Homecoming together,"


"We should go back up at the stadium stands,"

"Yeah, we should," Felix said while looking up at the sky

Rachel and Jisung started to walk to the stands. I was starting to walk, but Felix grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I stared at his eyes and smiled. He smiled back at me. He placed his thumb and his index finger against my chin and lifted my head gently, and swiped his thumb on my chin.

"You had something on your chin," He softly said

I started to chuckle.

"Oops," I said

"Come on, I don't wanna miss the second half,"

"Ok, I'm coming,"

Well, that happened.

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