Tuesday Night: Cruiserweights show No.7

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*Show Starts*

Commentator: Welcome folks to yet another episode of PWE, Cruiserweights edition, and we are just 5 Days away from Money In the Bank, and tonight, we are kicking things off with Uno taking on Baron in Singles Action!

Ring Announcer: The following Contest is Scheduled for one fall!

*Crowd Cheers*

Ring Announcer: Introducing First, From Adventure Bay, Uno!

Commentator: Uno said that he respects Baron, but said he is going to be on his A Game tonight.

*Crowd Cheers*

Ring Announcer: And Introudicing his Opponent, From Virginia, Baron!

Commentator: Baron said that he had a few Ups and downs here in the Cruiserweight division, but says he is ready to win tonight!

Referee: Ring the Bell!

*Bell rings*

Commentator: Here we go, the Match up is Under way! And Baron and Uno exchange In Arm-Locks, and Baron with a take-down, and Uno gets out of it, and Uno with a Kick to the Side of the Head of Baron, and Baron is stunned! And Uno went for another, but Baron counters it, and, What, Baron just connected The Breakdown!

Referee: 1..,2..,3!

*Bell rings and Crowd gets up in shock*

Ring Announcer: Here is your Winner, Baron!

Commentator: Baron just beat Uno in 30 Seconds! And, Wait a Minute, Baron is Assaulting Uno, and now Baron tosses Uno to the outside, and he sends him through the Steel Steps! And now Baron, Oh, No, No, Don't do this Baron! Baron with the Breakdown to Uno on the Steps!

Baron: I am the best Pup here!

*Crowd Cheers and boos*

Commentator: Why did Baron just do that? Baron may have ended Uno's Career! And now the Official's are Checking on Uno, and Uno is being Carried on a Stretcher, but anyway, up next, we have CJ taking on Isaac in Singles Action!

Ring Announcer: The following Contest is scheduled for one fall!

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