S17 Ep 6: Scott and Andrew Vs Jack and Wayne (The Dobermen) (Non-Title Match)

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Commentator: Welcome folks to yet another episode of PWE, and Tonight, we have some Tag-Team Action between the Tag Champs and the Dobermen.

Ring Announcer: The Following Contest is a Tag Team Match scheduled for one fall!

*Crowd Cheers and boos*

Ring Announcer: Introducing First, From Masachsetts, they are the PWE Tag Team Champions, Scott and Andrew!

Commentator: No doubt Scott and Andrew are Impressive Champions ever since they came on the Main Roster, and have been dominating everyone in their path!

*Crowd Cheers and boos*

Ring Announcer: And their opponents, From Michigan, Jack and Wayne, The Dobermen!

Commentator: We haven't seen Jack and Wayne compete in a while, but if they can knock off the Tag Team Champions tonight, they could be in line for a Future Championship Opportunity!

Referee: Ring the bell!

*Bell rings*

Commentator: And here we go, the Match up is under Way! And Jack is starting things off with Scott, and Jack went for a Super-Kick on Scott, but Scott takes down Jack with a Big Kick of his own!

Referee: 1..,2..,2!

Commentator: Jack kicks out at 2! And now Scott, looking to deliver a Powerbomb to Jack, but Jack with a Super Kick to Scott! And now Jack with another and Scott is down, and now Jack tags in Wayne, and Wayne knocks Andrew off of the Ring apron with a Super-Kick! And now Jack and Wayne, with Double Super-Kicks to Scott! And now Jack and Wayne, looking to end this Early, with a Double Samoan Splash! The Dobermen are going to do it!

Referee: 1..,2..,2!

Commentator: Scott kicks out at 2! And the Dobermen can't believe it! They thought they had the Champions beat! And now Jack and Wayne looking for another Double Samoan Splash, but Andrew gets back in and Catches Wayne, and Jack went for the Splash but Scott just grabs Jack by the neck, and now Scott and Andrew lift Jack and Wayne up for the Super Collider! And now Scott and Andrew with the Last Chapter to Wayne!

Referee: 1..,2..,3!

*Bell rings and Crowd Cheers and boos*

Ring Announcer: Here are your Winners, The PWE Tag-Team Champions, Scott and Andrew!

Commentator: What a Dominating Performance by Scott and Andrew, I don't any Tag-Team can stop these 2!

*Scott and Andrew grab microphones*

Scott: What is this Bullcrap!

Andrew: You call that Competition!?

Scott: Ryder, if you don't send a Team  right now who are Dominant, we will Quit this Business!

*Gongs* lights go off*

*Crowd Cheers*

Commentator: Wait a Minute!

*Gong* Lights Go on*

Commentator: Oh My God, Danger is in the Ring, and that is one of the Pups from the Andre the Giant Battle Royal at Wrestlemania, Kane is here! And Danger and Kane are going right after the Tag Team Champions! And Kane with a Big Kick to Andrew! And Danger with a Big Kick as well to Scott! And now Danger lifts up Scott and delivers a Chokeslam! And Kane lifts up Andrew, and delivers a Chokeslam of his own as well!

*Danger sticks his tongue out and Crowd Cheers*

Commentator: Uh-oh, And Now Danger and Kane, lifting up the Tag Team Champions! And a Double Tombstone Piledriver to Scott and Andrew!

*Crowd Cheers*

Commentator: What a Return by Danger, and what a Debut by Kane! Maybe they could be the ones who ca stop Scott and Andrew! But anyway folks, we hope you enjoyed this episode of PWE! And until the Next Episode, Good night Everybody!

*Screen cuts to black*

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