The New Girl

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Alexandra Hamilton, or just Alex, woke up with a groan.

She opened her eyes and sat up on her bed. She stretched her limbs and got up from the bed. Her room consisted of yellow walls, blue, white, and purple decorations, white working desk, flat screen tv, white wood bookshelf, and a brown couch. Dusting off her blue nightgown, she put on her gray slippers and walked over to the closet of her room. She looked around and eventually grabbed a white and black short sleeved shirt, crimson skinny jeans, blue denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and black high top sneakers. She grabbed the clothes along with some underwear and socks and walked to the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower, Alex dried herself off and changed into her clothes and shoes. She brushed and dried her brown wavy shoulder length hair and used a butterfly pin to hold back part of her hair. After quickly putting on some make up, she grabbed her backpack and phone and went downstairs. She entered the kitchen to see her mother, Anna, sitting down and talking to Alexandra's father, James. "Good morning, Mom. Good morning Dad. Good morning, Geoffrey." Alex said, her British accent made obvious, as she made her way to the table. "Good morning, dear." Her mother said. "How did you sleep, madam Alexandra?" Geoffrey asked as he placed the plate of French toast in front of the girl. "Quite well, Geoffrey. Thank you." Alex said. Alex looked at the bottle of maple syrup and used her telekinetic powers to pull it closer to her and poured some on her plate. "Alex." Her father said with a warning tone. "Oh come on dad. I'm not doing this at school." Alex said, taking a bite of the French toast. "Good." He said. "Besides. They'll call me a freak if I did." Alex said, looking down.

You see, Alexandra Hamilton is not like all the other kids. When she was born, she was born with telekinetic powers. Her parents didn't know why at first. And they were terrified about what to do about it. So, they hired people help her control it, being rich and all. Now at age 14, Alexandra had full control of her powers and was happy that she did. Of course, no one but family, her best friend and her ex boyfriend knew, the last being a mistake.

"Hey. You are not a freak. You are our little angel." James said, giving his daughter a smile. "Thanks dad." Alex said, smiling, finishing her breakfast. "So. Are you ready for high school?" Anna asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." Alex said. "Well. Geoffrey should get you to school now." James said. "Bye mom. Bye dad." Alex said, giving her parents a hug. "Have fun, dear. Remember to do good." James said. "Also, make some good friends." Alex nodded and walked out the kitchen. "Alexandra!" Her dad shouted. "Yeah?" She asked, poking in the room. "Find a better boy than that hoe." James said with a smirk. Alex giggles. "Will do, dad." She said.

Alex followed Geoffrey the butler to the limo. She climbed on the back and they drove off to school. "Do you have everything, madam Alexandra?" Geoffrey asked. "Yes. And I told you beforehand, Geoffrey. You can call me Alex." Alex said. "I know. Don't care." The butler said. Alex giggled. That what she liked about Geoffrey. He was a funny and sarcastic man. About a ten minute ride. They arrived at their destination: Middleburg Central High School. "Good luck." Geoffrey said, giving the girl a smile. "Thanks Geoffrey. Have a nice day." Alex said, returning the smile. She climbed out the limo and waved her butler off. The limo drove away and Alex was still smiling.

She walked up to the doors and took a deep breath. "You got this, Hamilton. You got this." She muttered. She opened the door and stepped inside the building. She looks darling the see the busy hallways filled with students and activity. "Okay. Off to the office I go." Alex said to herself and proceeded to walk around. She eventually found the door to the office and knocked at the door. "This could get intense." She said. "Come in." Alex heard a cheerful voice form the room. She opened the door. "Hello?" She asked. "Over here." The voice said.

Alex looked down to see a rather short man. He was an African American man with black hair. He was wearing orange glasses, a blue sweater vest over a pink dress shirt, tan pants, and black shoes. Alex resisted to laugh at the man's shortness. "Please take a seat." He said with a smile. Alex obliged. "So you must be Alexandra Hamilton, descendant of Alexander Hamilton." He said. "Yes, That is me. Nice to meet you Principal Larry. Call me Alex if you want to." She said as she shook his hand. "Okay then Alex." Larry said. "So. Are you up for high school?" He asked. Alex nodded. "Yes sir." She said. "Please. Call me Larry." He said. "Okay then Larry." "In that case, here is your schedule. In it is also your locker number and code." Larry said. "Thank you." She said. "Need someone to show you around?" Larry asked. "No thank you. I will be fine." Alex said. "In that case. Have a nice day." Larry said. "Thank you. You too." She said. She got up from her seat and left the room.

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