Visiting The Lab

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"Wake up, doofus!" Jack said, smacking a pillow on Penn's head.

The redhead yelped in surprise and shot up in a sitting position. "Jack? The hell man?" He asked. "Dude. It's 8am. We have to leave in a hour." Jack said. Penn groaned. "Fine. I'll be at the kitchen in half an hour." He said, getting up from the bed. "Okay then." The dirty blonde boy said and walked out the room. Penn walked over to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and put on some clothing. Since he was going to a lab that probably worked for the government, he decided to wear something more formal than his usual attire. Penn was now wearing a black button up shirt, blue jeans, dark brown boots, and a brown leather jacket.

Just as he was going to leave his room, his MUHU began beeping. "Hm. Wonder why this early?" He asked himself as he answered the call. "Hi sweetie!" Vonnie said while she and her husband were fighting... a giant chicken? "Should I ask about the giant chicken?" Penn asked his parents. "No. Not really son. So, how's DC?" Brock asked. "Looks nice. We going to the lab in about 40 minutes." Penn said. "Okay then." "Say, um. How are you two doing there?" The redhead asked his parents. "We're doing just fine, honey. Thanks for asking." Vonnie said. "Well, you guys don't have to worry for that long. I'm close to finding you guys." Penn said. "And we know you will, son. Anyways, we have to go. Call us when you're back." Brock said. "Will do." Penn said and ended the call. He sighed sadly, but then smiled a bit.

"Ah. About time you woke up, sleepyhead." James said as he saw the redhead boy walk to the kitchen. "Well, to be honest dad. We were all exhausted last night." Alex said. Penn chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. "Morning, love." He said and sat down next to her. After breakfast and brushing their teeth, everyone was ready to go. They got in a car that was sent by the lab and were told that it would be a ten minute drive. Alex took a deep breath as she looked out the window. "Hey." She heard Penn say and felt his hand on top of hers. She looked at him. "It'll be fine." He said, smiling at her. She smiled back and nodded. Eventually, the ten minutes came to an end and they arrived. "Woah." The teens marveled as they saw the huge building that was in front of them. The car parked and everyone came out.

Outside was a man. He had gray hair, wore a lab coat, and looked to be in his 60s. "Oh, you must be our guests!" The man said, walking over the them. "I'm Doctor Norton. One of the heads of this facility." He then looked at Alex. "You must be Alexandra Hamilton. Nice to meet you." He said. "Nice to meet you as well, doctor." She said, shaking his hand. "And you must be her parents!" He said, shaking the hand of Alex's parents. "Yes. I'm James and this is my wife, Anna." James introduced himself and his wife. "And who are you two?" Norton asked, looking at the two teen boys. "I'm Jack. The new adopted son of the Hamilton family." Jack said. "And I'm Penn Zero, Alexandra's boyfriend." Penn said and they both shook hands with the doctor. "Ah young love. How beautiful!" Norton praised, causing the two lovers to blush. "Come in, Come in!" Norton said, leading the group inside.

"Now, I'll have someone to give a tour to the children separately. Is that okay?" "I don't see why not." Anna said. "In that case, Mr. Carpenter! Ms. Blunt!" The doctor called. Two people came over. Both were brunettes. The woman had her hair in a ponytail and wore white coat over a black dress and black heels. The man had really, REALLY, good hair and wore a lab coat over a white dress shirt, black slacks and black dress shoes. "Mr. Carpenter, I want you to give the children a tour. While Ms. Blunt, you do the same for this couple." Norton ordered. "Yes sir." The said. "Hello. I am Ella Blunt." The woman said, introducing herself to Alex's parents. "Nice to meet you. James And Anna." Anna introduced themselves. "We'll be off Children. Behave. Penn, you're in charge." James said. "Why??" Jack asked. "He's the oldest and the most responsible boy I know so far." James said. Jack and Alex laughed while Penn rolled his eyes. "Yes sir." Penn said. And with that, Ella and the Hamilton parents left.

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