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Penn arrived at the Hamilton mansion at 4pm sharp.

School went fine today and he was excited for his first date. But he was also a bit nervous. He was going to meet his girlfriend's grandparents and cousin for the first time. Something Penn thought would happen during either Thanksgiving or Christmas. Alex and Jack told him that they were nice people, but Penn was still nervous. "Chin up, Zero. You heard them. They're very nice people. They accept you, no matter what." He said to himself. For today, he decided to change into something a bit more formal. A white Oxford shirt, blue jeans, brown boots, and a brown leather leather jacket.

He rang the doorbell and waited for the door to open. Eventually, it was Geoffrey the butler who opened the door. "Ah. Master Penn. Here to pick up madam Alexandra?" He asked. "Sure am Geoffrey." Penn said. "Come on in." The man said. Penn entered the house. From the left came in Jack and a 23 year old man. He had black curly hair and brown eyes. He looked like a model actually. "Must be Luke." Penn thought to himself. "Penn! You made it!" Jack said as the two boys did a handshake. "Oh. So you're Penn Zero. I'm Luke Addams. Alex's cousin." The man said. "Nice meeting you, Luke." Penn said, shaking hands with him. "Hey, Alex! Penn's here!!" Jack yelled. "Coming!" They heard her say. Seconds later, Alex came down the stairs.

Penn was awestruck at the sight before him. Alexandra was wearing a dark red dress that went an inch above her knees and nude heels. Her hair was curled up and she was still wearing that butterfly clip in her hair. A silver necklace hung around her neck and a golden ring was on the ring finger of her left hand and a white purse hanging on her left shoulder. Woah. It was like he was hearing 'Something' by the Beatles was playing in his mind. Only to find that Jack was blasting the song right next to him. "Really?" Penn asked. "I read your mind." Jack said as he and Luke were laughing.

Alex cape up to the redhead. "You look very beautiful tonight." Penn said. "Thank you. You look very handsome tonight." She said. "Thank you." He said. "Oh I knew he would love it!" A voice said. Penn looked up to see an elderly woman walking down to the stairs. "Oh, right. Penn this is my grandmother, Mary Ann. Granny, this is my new boyfriend, Penn Zero." Alex said. "Oh! It is so nice to meet you dear." Mary Ann said. "Nice to meet you to, Ma'm." Penn said, giving a polite smile and shaking her hand. "Finally! You moved on from the hoe!!" An elderly man that came into the room said. Penn smiled and chuckled, restraining himself from bursting into laughter. I mean, an old man just swore in front of him. That's really funny. "And this is my grandfather, Roger." Alex said, trying to contain her laughter. "Penn Zero, right?" Roger asked. Penn nodded. "Well, It's nice to meet you, boy." Roger said with a smile and shaking the redhead's hand. "You to, sir." Penn said.

"Anyways, we should get going." Alex said. "Okay then. Have fun you two!!" Jack said. "Enjoy the movie." Roger said. "Keep her safe, Zero." Luke said. "Will do." Penn said. Mary Ann then coughed into a tissue, roughly I might add. She noticed everyone, even Penn, looking at her in concern. "I'm fine!!! Now go! You're going to be late!" The old lady said, pushing the couple out the door. "I should go to. Mom is expecting me tomorrow." Like said, saying his goodbyes to his family. Penn and Alexandra walked out the mansion and made their way to the movie theater.

"Say, Alex. I don't want to upset you or anything, but is everything okay with your grandmother?" Penn asked. Alex looked down for a bit. "She has cancer." She said, quietly enough for him to hear. "Oh. I'm so sorry." Penn said, squeezing her hand. "It's Okay. Let's just hope she gets better." Alex says. Penn smiled at her and pecked her cheek. "Everything's going to be okay." He said. "You're right." She said. They reached the theater with no problems. Like they agreed, Penn paid for the tickets, while Alex paid for popcorn and drinks. They walked over to the room and sat down. The two ate the popcorn as they watched the trailers and eventually the movie began.

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