It Happened!!

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"Okay then. Are you ready?" Penn asked, adjusting the strings of the guitar.

The date is September 28. It is a Saturday. It has been three weeks since Alex and Jack joined the part time hero trio. The five kids got along very well. They went to school, fended off Troy, then went to save the day. Alex had improved and became a great addition to the part time hero team, while Jack would just hang around with Phillis, the bear, and the robot. After her first mission, Alexandra introduced her new friends to her family, who accepted them with open arms. She was happy that everyone got along so well. Anyways, there were two days left till Alex and Penn had to present their project, and they were doing good.

Right now, the two teens were in Alex's room. Jack was across the hall, reading comic books and listening to music through headphones, Anna was out, Geoffrey was doing the dishes, and James was in the recording studio, practicing his singing for the new Queen movie. Alex nodded her head. "Ready as I will ever be." She said. Penn nodded and began playing the guitar that he borrowed from Alex's father. After a few minutes in, Penn began to sing.

Penn: Tell me somethin', girl
Are you happy in this modern world?
Or do you need more?
Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?

I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself
Longin' for change
And in the bad times I fear myself.

Alexandra was still a bit stunned at the boy's singing voice. It was this rich, beautiful voice she could listen to every day. She cleared her throat.

Alex: Tell me something, boy
Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?
Or do you need more?
Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?

I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself
Longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself.

I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now.

Both: In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
We're far from the shallow now

Alex: Oh, oh, oh, oh

I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now

Both: In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
We're far from the shallow now.

"And, we're done." The redhead said, placing the guitar down gently on desk in Alex's room. "We are totally getting an A on this!" She said as they fist bumped. The two laughed. Alex the looked at the floor. "You know. It's crazy how life works. I mean, I have telekinesis, I fight crazy stuff throughout the multiverse, my ex goes to the same school as I, and I have made some really good friends." She said. "Tell me about it." Penn began. "My parents are stuck in a different dimension fighting for their lives, I have to take on the family legacy, balance hero work with school, but I also have really great friends that care for me." He said. The two teens smiled and looked at each other.

They just sat there in silence, looking at each other's eyes. Sea blue to chocolate brown. Alex suddenly found herself leaning closer. And the next thing she knew, her lips were against his. Her mind exploded. "What the bloody hell am I thinking?!" However, before Alex cloud back away and apologize over and over again, she felt Penn kissing back. "Oh my god! He's kissing me back!! Penn Zero is kissing me!!!" She thought excitingly. The redhead sat up a bit, his back against the wall, and pulled the brunette closer to him. Alex ended up sitting on Penn's lap as they kept kissing. Her arms went around his neck while his were around her waist.

About a minute later, both teens pulled apart from the kiss. They looked at each other, panting silently. "Holy shit." They both thought at the same time. Then, Alex began to laugh, which was then followed by Penn. "Did we just actually kiss?" Penn asked. "We did." Alex said. She then stopped laughing. "So... now what?" She asked. He stopped laughing and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Penn asked. "I mean. We just kissed each other. And we both enjoyed it. So, obviously, we like each other more than just friends. What I am asking is that, what are we now?" Alex asked. Penn looked at the floor for a few seconds before looking at her again with that sweet smile he always had.

"Well, if you want to give us a shot, then I would be happy to try." He said. Alex smiled back. "I like to." She said. "So. What do you say Alexandra Hamilton? Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Penn asked. Alex nodded. "Yeah. I would like to." She said. The two laughed and shared a quick peck on the lips. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Jack. Alex and Penn jumped away from each other. But this didn't go unnoticed by the dirty blonde haired boy. "Um. Did something just happen?" Jack asked. Penn and Alex looked at each other. "Might as well." He said. "Okay then. Jack, Penn and I are dating." Alex said a she and the boy interlocked hands. Jack gasped in shock and just stood silent. Then, he smiled widely and ran out of the room.


There were cheers from down stairs, and it was followed by: "I knew it! My daughter's all grown up!!" From her mother. "Jack!!" Both Alex and Penn shouted. "What? I shipped you two since day one!" Jack said. The young couple then proceeded to chuck pillows at the boy, which Jack responded by throwing them back at them before retreating back to his room. Suddenly, a long came from both Penn and Alex's phones. It came from the group chat that they have created with Jack, Sashi, and Boone.

Jack_The Crab: Sashi! Boone! PLEX IS CANNON!!! Penn and Alex kissed!!!

The-Hamilton-Chick: Oh god, Jack!!!

Zero=Best Number: Bro!! 😂😂😂

KillerQueen: Wait. PZ, you're really dating Alex?!

Zero=Best Number: Yes, Sash. We kissed a few minutes ago. I asked her out. She said yes.

TheGreatWiseman: Alex? Is he telling the truth?

The-Hamilton-Chick: Yes. He's telling the truth.

KillerQueen: Yes!! I knew it!! Boone, you owe Phillis and I $20.

TheGreatWiseman: I know, I know.

Jack_The Crab: Wait. You better on their love life??

Jack_The Crab: How dare you not invite me!!

Zero=Best Number: Oh god! You guys are crazy!! 😂😂

The-Hamilton-Chick: I agree!! 😂😂

Both Penn and Alex laughed loudly. "I'm gonna need to get used to this." Alex said, laying her head against Penn's shoulder. "What Can I say? We're odd people." Penn said. Alex giggled.

For once, she felt like she made the right choice.

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