A Part Time What?!

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"Hey! What were you guys doing in there?" Alex asked as she saw Penn, Sashi, and Boone walk out of the abandoned Odyssey theater.

It was around 5:15 when Alex left the house. Her parents allowed her to go over to Penn's house to work on the project. And she managed to convince them that she could walk over there. It was now 5:30. Alex took a left turn and saw Penn, Sashi, and Boone walking out of the Odyssey theater. Now, she was told by people that the theater didn't work anymore. So why in earth were her friends in there. Alexandra raised an eyebrow and walked over to them to get some answers.

"Oh! Hi Alex. What ya doing?" Boone asked, clearly surprised to see her. "On my way to Zero's place. So, care to explain why you three were in there?" She asked and crossed her atoms across her chest. There was an awkward silence between the four teens. "Well?" Alex asked, expecting an answer. Penn sighed. "I'll tell her. You guys can go on." He said to Sashi and Boone. "You sure, PZ?" Sashi asked. Penn nodded. "Okay then. See you tomorrow, Alex." Sashi said. "See ya." Alex said. Boone and Sashi waved at her and left. Alex waved back. "So. Mind telling me what's going on?" She asked Penn.

"Okay. Look, what I am about to show and tell you is something that no one can know about. You have to promise me not to tell anyone about this. Not even you family. Okay?" "Okay sure. But what is it? That your actually a gang member in secrecy? Cause that's the only thing I can think of." Alex said with a smirk. Penn chuckled. "No. Just follow me." Penn said. Alex nodded and followed him inside. Both teens walked in the theater and left their backpacks near the front door. "Phillis! It's just me. Don't let your guard bear off it's chain." Penn called out. "Who's Phillis? And what do you mean by guard bear?" Alex asked. "To answer your first question, she's my boss. And to answer the second one, I mean that instead of owning a dog, she has a-" Penn was abruptly cut off by a brown grizzly bear suddenly popping out of nowhere and roaring at them.

Alex shrieked and clutched onto Penn's arm tightly. "Woah! It's alright Alex. Karen won't hurt you." Penn said. "She has a name?!" She asked. "Yeah. Just give me a few seconds." Penn said, shaking off Alex's arm. He walked over to the bear while Alex looked at him like as if he were a mad man. "What are you doing?!" She hissed. "It's Okay. I promise." Penn said. He reached forward and pet the animal to calm her down. "Easy, Karen. Alex's a friend of mine." He said. The bear did seem to calm down. Penn looked over to Alex and beckoned her to come over. Slowly and hesitantly, she walked over to him. Taking her hand into his, he guided it to the bear's back. Alex felt her fingers touch the soft fur of the animal.

Alex gave a smile. "Well, I admit it, Karen. You are a rather cute bear." She said, still petting her. The bear let out a grumble as a way to say thank you and nuzzles her head against the girl's leg. "That's her way of saying she likes you." Penn said. Alex giggled. She then looked at him. "Everything Okay?" She asked. "Yeah." "Hey. How long did it take you for her to like you?" "About a week." Alex then bursted into laughter. "Oh man! You're jealous that she liked me right away!" She said. "Okay, So just a little." Penn's said, smirking at her. "Well, you did tell her I was your friend so, that makes a lot of sense." She said. "Good point. Anyways, let us continue." Penn said, taking Alex by the hand and leading her inside the theater.

Upon entering, she immediately noticed that the screen was triangular, rather than the usual square. Below the screen was a wired green platform with three spots. She looked around to see that on a balcony was a weird contraption. Alex looked at Penn. "Um. What is going on?" She asked. Penn opened his mouth to say something but someone else intervened. "Penn Zero! Why did you bring girl in Phillis's lair?" A voice asked. Alex jumped a bit and looked up to see a there was a person in the balcony. It was a Slavic woman. She looked to be in her 60s. She was wearing a dark pink shirt, blue denim overalls, brown boots, a pearl necklace, and a pair of goggles on top of her head. "Oh! Hi, Phillis. This is Alexandra Hamilton. She's a new friend of mine. But we just call her Alex. Alex, this is my boss, Phillis." Penn said. "Hello." Alex said meekly, waving at the woman. Phillis looked at them and walked down the stairs. "Nice to meet descent of Alexander Hamilton." She said.

Alex looked at her with wide eyes. "Yeah, um. I wouldn't question Phillis if you value your sanity." Penn said. "Okay then." She said. "I assume you will tell friend about part time job?" Phillis asked. "Yes. I assume to." Alex said. "Okay, But first, you should probably take a seat. You might need it." He said. Alex nodded and took a seat nearby. Penn took the chair next to her. "Okay, like I said, you can't tell anyone about this." He said. "I promise I won't tell anyone." She said. Her smile then turned into a serious look. "My best friend, Jack, and I have this saying: Friends, don't, lie. I keep that saying in my heart. And I know you and Sashi and Boone will as well." She said. "I will." He said. Taking a sigh, Penn began to tell her everything.

(Okay, so assume that MCHS started classes around the 20th of August. And Alex transferred on the 8th of September)

"Okay. So, I live with my aunt and uncle. And you might be wondering why." She nodded. "Well, you see, my parents are part time heroes. They use the Multiverse Transporter Projector to travel into a dimension in the multiverse." He said, pointing at the contraption in the balcony. "They were really good. And I didn't know about it till the beginning of this school year. They didn't pick me up and told me if they were somehow late, to come over here. So, I did. And that was when Phillis told me that they got stuck in the most dangerous world imaginable." Alex gasped quietly. "Now, before you go assuming things, they're not dead. But they are stuck there. So, I took their place as the part time hero. And, as you saw, I'm not alone. Sashi is the part time sidekick, and Boone is the part time wiseman. So, until I can find a way to get them out, I have to take their place." Penn said.

"Penn. First, I cannot express how sorry I am about your parents. That should happen to nobody, especially as someone as nice as you. But, I will help you in anyway to get them back home to you. I promise." She said. He smiled at her. "Thanks, Alex." He said. "How about as part time heroine?" Phillis asked. "You would give me a job here?" She asked. "Yes. But, it is your call." The woman said. "Come on, Alex. It'll be fun. Besides, Boone, Sashi, and I will be right behind you." Penn said.

Alex looked at them. Considering that what they just told her about the FACT THAT THE MULTIVERSE IS REAL! She knew that they could be trusted with her secret. But, she will say something when they get to Penn's house. And, she did say that she wanted to help out anyway she could. Alex was going to figure out what to tell her parents, but she'll come up with something. Penn deserved his parents back, and Alex knew that perfectly. Besides, how hard could it really be? So, Alex gave Penn and Phillis a smile.

"Okay. I'm in."

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