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Alexandra and Penn were lying down on the redhead's bed.

After accepting her spot as a part time heroine, they both left for Penn's house to work on the project. Alex was able to meet Penn's aunt and uncle, Rose and Chuck. They were nice to her, but she couldn't help but to find them a bit odd. Funny enough, Penn agreed with her, saying that they were weird. "They're your family!" She had said. "Yes, But ever one has the oddball couple." Penn had replied. They retreated to the redhead's bedroom and began thinking.

"How is this so hard?! It's just choosing a song!" Alex said. "Yeah. But it has to be good and one that we can sing without ruining our voices." Penn said. "I know. But this is suppose to be the easy part! If fact, isn't all of it the easy part?" She asked. "Yeah. It actually is." He said. "Okay, we have been thinking about this for an hour. I'm sure we can think of something." She said. "Agreed." Penn said. Then, Alexandra's phone buzzed. She took it out and saw the text came from her best friend, Jack. "Who is it?" Penn asked. "My best friend from DC, Jack." Alex said.

The-Hamilton-Chick: Hey Jack!

Jack_The Crab: Hey, Alexandra!! How was day one of school?

The-Hamilton- Chick: Pretty good Jack. But, it did have a side effect.

Jack_The Crab: What?

The-Hamilton-Chick: Troy. Freaking. Jones is here!!

Jack_The Crab: WHAT?! The hoe is in Middleburg?! How?!!!!!

The-Hamilton- Chick:: I don't know, but I have History and Art with him!!

Jack_The Crab: Oh shit! That's horrible. I'm so sorry for you.

The-Hamilton-Chick: It's Okay! I got back up.

Jack_The Crab: Who???

The-Hamilton-Chick: Well, his name is Penn Zero. He and his friends, Sashi and Boone are freshmen like me. Heck, Penn threatened Tory to beat his ass!

Jack_The Crab: Wait. This Penn guy wanted to beat up Troy?! As in, Troy the hoe?!
I like this Penn guy.

The-Hamilton-Chick: 😂😂😂😂 Yeah! I like him too!!!

Jack_The Crab: Oh. You like him.😏😏

The-Hamilton-Chick: Only as a friend, Jack! How's DC?

Jack_The Crab: Pretty well actually now that Troy is gone. But, I have made my decision!

The-Hamilton-Chick: On what?

Jack_The Crab: I am coming out of the closet! I'm telling my parents I am gay in five minutes.

The-Hamilton-Chick: Jack. That's amazing!! I am so proud of you!! You can do this. Let me know what happens! :)

Jack_The Crab: Thanks, Alex! You are truly. A one of a kind friend!

The-Hamilton-Chick: Thanks, Jack! You're the best ever. Actually, before you leave, Penn and I need your help.

Jack_The Crab: Sure. What do you need. Advice on how to kiss a guy? 😏😏

The-Hamilton-Chick: Haha. Very funny. Anyways, no. We have this project for music class. We need to do a cover of a song on the 30th of September. Got any suggestions for the song we could do?

Jack_The Crab: SHALLOW!!!!!

The-Hamilton- Chick: Um. I don't know if that's a good idea.

Jack_The Crab: Oh come on. I mean, Penn can sing and play guitar, right?

The-Hamilton-Chick: Yes to both.

Jack_The Crab: Well, there you have it. Two singers, one can play guitar. And you have a song that everyone loves right now. There. An easy A!

The-Hamilton-Chick: Okay. Give me a sec.

"Jack is suggesting 'Shallow' From 'A Star is Born.' What do you think?" Alex asked the boy next to her. "Actually... That sounds like a good idea. Let's do it." Penn said, smiling at her. "Okay then. Shallow it is." Alex said.

The-Hamilton-Chick: Okay. We have decided to follow your suggestion. Thanks Jack!

Jack_The Crab: No prob! Anyways, Judgement day has arrived. Wish me luck.

The-Hamilton-Chick: Good luck. And, remember. I will always support you.

Jack_The Crab: Thanks, Alex. Bye!

The-Hamilton-Chick: Bye!

Alex shut off her phone. She tuned her head, only to meet Penn's. Both teens blushed upon seeing their lips an inch away. Both of them scooted away and sat up. Alex looked at him. She had to tell him now. Before something else happens. "Penn?" She asked. "Yeah?" "I have to tell you something." She said. "Sure what is it?" He asked. "Well... it's like the part time heroine job. You can tell Sashi and Boone. Even your parents and aunt and uncle. But no one else." She said with a serious tone. "I promise." He said. "You do?" She asked. "Alex. Friends, don't, lie." Penn said, smiling at her. Alex nodded and looked around the room until she spotted the perfect thing to help her out.

"Watch the Millennium Falcon." She said. He nodded. Using her powers, she made the toy fly up about a foot or two. Alex heard Penn gasp. She set the toy down back where it was. She looked at Penn, who had a shocked face. "I'm telekinetic." She said. "So. You can move things with your mind?" He asked. "Yes." "That. Is the coolest thing ever!!" He said in joy. "Wait. So you're okay with it?" She asked in surprise. "Yes! Why do you ask?" Penn asked. "Well, when Troy found out, he called me a freak." She said, looking down, feeling tears of shame in her eyes.

"Hey. Look at me." The redhead said, cupping the brunette's face and gently lifting it up to look at each other's eyes. "You are not a freak, okay. You're the complete opposite of that. You're sweet, honest, loyal, and care for other people. You having these powers is the coolest thing I have ever seen. And I travel to different dimensions ever single day. Trust me when I say that I will accept you, no matter what. And you can trust Sashi and Boone to do the same." He said, using his thumb to dry off the lone tear that rolled down Alexandra's cheek. 

"Thank you." She whispered, before hugging him. Penn was surprised, but hugged her back. "I really needed to hear that today." She said before burying her face in the crook of his neck. "No problem, Alex." He said, rubbing her back. "Now. Let's get back to work, shall we?" She asked. "We shall." Penn said.

"Yep. Definitely a trustful guy."

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