The Ripple Effect

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Fired. Fired, fired, Fired!!

Penn was fired from his job.

Okay, so you must be wondering what happened?

Well, earlier that day, Penn discovered that Phillis was trying to locate the most dangerous world imaginable to bring his parents back home. Of course, Penn wanted to go over there and get his parents back, but Phillis said no and told him that he had to wait. So, Penn did the only thing a typical teenager would commonly do: Sneak our if their house in the middle of the night. Along with Sashi, and Boone, the redhead snuck into the Odyssey to get his parents back. Alex and Jack couldn't come over cause the girl's parents wanted them to stay for something back in the mansion. So it was just the three of them. Everything seemed well. Except for one huge problem. They didn't send Penn to the most dangerous world imaginable.

They sent him to the least dangerous world imaginable!

Long story short, Penn accidentally destroyed an entire planet, Phillis found out and got him out of there, fired Penn, and called Alex and Jack over.

Now here he was, sitting on the sidewalk, looking down at the floor. Penn felt stupid and felt like an idiot. What in the world was he thinking?! He knew that he should have listened to his parents and Phillis, but no! He just had to be stubborn about it and go against their wishes! And now, he destroyed an entire planet and got himself fired from it. He felt like he let everyone down. Phillis, his parents, Sashi, Boone, Jack, and Alex. Alex. What was she going to think of him? Of what he had done to get fired? "She's going to so mad at me for doing something so stupid! Nah, she wouldn't! I mean, she's my girlfriend. She won't be so mad. Right?" He thought to himself.

"Penn!" He heard someone familiar say. He looked up to see that it was Jack and Alex running over to him. "What the hell happened?!" Jack asked. "I got fired." Penn said. "For What?!" Alex asked. "Alex. Phillis needs you in there." The redhead said. Alex shook her head, refusing to leave her boyfriend's side. "I got him. Don't worry. Go on." Jack said. Alex huffed but nodded and ran inside the theater. The dirty blonde boy sat in the sidewalk next to the redhead. "Okay, Man. What happened?" Jack asked. And so, Penn began to tell Jack everything about what happened. "And So, I got fired." He finished. The redhead sighed in defeat. "I just don't know what to do." Penn said.

There was silence. Then. "What are you taking about?" Jack asked quietly. "Huh?" Penn asked, looking at his friend. "You are Penn Zero! By god boy. Pull, yourself, together!" Jack said, slapping the boy. "Ow!" "Wha-What should you do?! Is this a question?! I tell you what you should do! You are going back in there, and prove that you can be a hero and make people proud." "But. But." Penn stuttered. "Well?! You know what to do! Go in there. Do hero stuff. Fight! Win!!" Jack said, standing up and his fists in the air. He then puts them down. "And let me know how it goes. I wanna know." Jack said. Penn smiled and stood up as well.

"You're right Jack! I can correct this mistake of mine." His smile then faded a bit. "But how? I can't go back inside the Odyssey." Penn said. Jack looks around and spots the fish and stick restaurant. He smirks. "I have an idea." He said and whispered into the redhead's ear. Penn nodded and walked over to the restaurant and entered. Jack followed and looked through the window, but made sure that he stayed hidden. It seemed that his plan worked. Penn convinced Phil to zap him back in. "I don't know why, but I feel that you made a big mistake." An old man said. "You have no clue how right you are man." Jack muttered before rushing into the theater.

He had great hope that Penn could do this.


The quartet were zapped back in.

"See? What did I tell you?" Jack said. Penn smiled at him. "Okay, okay. You were right." He said. "I'm just glad that you came back and helped us out." Sashi said, gaining nods from Boone and Alex. "Yes. You did well, Penn Zero." Phillis said. "Yes. And now I understand that I really should've listen to you. I'm really sorry Phillis." Penn said. "It's okay. Phillis understands." The woman said. "Oh! That's fantastic and-" "You are still fired." She said. "What?! I only said that I understand because I thought that I got my job back." Penn said. "No. You are fired." Penn sighed in defeat. Alex placed a hand on his shoulder. "But. You can apply for job." Phillis said with a smirk. "Thanks Phillis." Penn said in gratitude. "I will never stop looking for parents." She said.

The teens then walked out of the theater. "Hey." Alex said. "Yeah?" Penn asked. "Boone and Sashi told me what happened." "Oh." Penn said, looking down. "Hey. You wanted your parents back. I would have honestly done the same if I were you. What I am trying to say is that, I'm not mad at you for doing this. Okay?" She asked. He nodded. "Good." Alex pecked him on the cheek and smiled at him. "Now let's go home." She said. The five went to their homes, with Penn walking with Alex and Jack. "Oh shit. I forgot to tell Sashi and Boone!" Alex said. "What?" "Alex's parents adopted me. I am officially a Hamilton." Jack said. Penn's eyes widened. "What?! No way! That's amazing, Jack!" Penn said with a smile. "I agree. Jack Hamilton. Has a good ring to it, huh?" Alex asked. The two boys laughed and nodded.

They continued walking to the Hamilton mansion. Alex eventually felt tired to walk and ended up falling asleep while getting a piggyback ride form Penn, with her head resting on the crook of his back. Arriving at the mansion, Penn carried Alex to her room and laid her down on her bed. He bent down and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight my love. See you tomorrow." Penn whispered softly into her ear and left the room. Saying his quick goodbyes the the Hamilton family, he left the mansion and walked back to his house.

Climbing back through the window, Penn entered his room. He quietly changed into his pjs and tucked himself inside the bed and fell asleep. Penn had learned a powerful lesson today:

When Phillis says to wait, you wait.

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