The Last Moutain Beast

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(Like all couples, Penn and Alex must eventually have a fight. And it didn't end up that pretty.)

Say, um... do you remember Stranger Things, season 1? Good. Do you remember episode 5? Good. Do you remember that scene where El accidentally hurts Lucas, and Mike gets angry at her and asks what's wrong with her? Good. Cause that's what happened between Penn and Alex.

As Penn walked over to the Hamilton mansion, his mind drifted to what happened.


Well, things were not going so well here.

The quartet were sent to this world where they were deer people?? Anyways, their mission was to find this thing known as the mountain beast and it is the last of its kind. They needed to fine it and use it to save the village. Things seemed hopeful. For a moment. That was, until Boone pointed out that Penn's MUHU was turning green, which meant that there was a shard in that world. Penn was overjoyed to see this. But this caused a conflict between the hero and the sidekick. Sashi insisted that they finished the mission first, while Penn said he can get the shard before the last moon rises. The argument turned into a fight, and I mean a physical fight between the two. And while Boone just sat there, playing the bongos, Alex tried to stop them. She was yelling at them to stop, until Alex yelled stop so loudly, that it threw Sashi across the area and she hit her head, knocking her out. Then, in a fit of rage, Penn said the words that he would come to regret:

"What is wrong with you?!"

Penn shuddered at the memory of saying that.

He remembered everyone going absolutely silent after he said that. He remembered his realization of him saying that. And most painful of all, he remembered the hurt and sadness in Alexandra's face. After that, Alex ran off, not even bothering to listen to Penn. Granted, they were able to save the day, but barely. Upon getting back to Earth, Alex hugged Sashi and immediately apologized to her. Sashi forgave the brunette, saying that it was just an accident and that she didn't mean to do that. After the apology, Alex looked at Penn, and ran off.

Now, here he was, standing right in front of the Hamilton mansion. Penn was silently praying that Alex's parents weren't here. He knocked on the door and it opened to reveal Jack. The dirty blonde hair boy's smile faded upon seeing the redhead. "Can I help you?" He asked. "Yeah. Is Alex home?" Penn asked. "Yes. I assume you're here to apologize to her?" Jack asked. "Jack. Why else would I be here for?" "Good point. She's in her room." Jack said, letting Penn inside the mansion. "Thanks." He said. Penn climbed up the stairs and walked over to Alex's bedroom. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. "Alex. It's me, Penn. Look, I just wanna talk, that's all. Please." He said.

There was a silence before the door opened slowly by itself. There, Penn saw Alexandra sitting on her bed, wearing a black sweater with grey sweatpants, and her eyes were puffy and red, indicating that she had been crying for a while now. She looked like crap, and Penn wanted to do nothing but to rush over, hug her tightly, and tell her how sorry he was. Penn walked in and closed the door a bit. He sat on the bed, cross legged right in front of her. "Hey." He said. "Hi." She said, looking down to the floor. There was a silence that ran across the room. Until Penn began to speak.

"There's nothing wrong with you. Okay? There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. If there's some wrong with anyone, it's me. I know you were just trying to get me and Sashi to stop fighting and what happened to Sashi is an accident. But I so stupid to see that, so instead, I yelled at you for it. And I shouldn't have. Alexandra," He said, taking her hands into his. "I said this once, and I'll say it again. You are the love of my life. You really are. The first moment we met, I felt that there was something about you. I wasn't sure what it was. If it was either your beautiful smile or that lovable personality of yours. But then, I realized that you were the one. You're the girl that I want, the one I fell in love with. And believe me, you are the most kind, honest, and loyal girl I have ever met. And also believe me when I say that I am truly sorry for saying what I said back in the mission today. There is nothing wrong with you. I never should have said any of that crap. I love you, Alex. And I always will. Is there anyway that you can forgive me for saying that?"

Alex looked at him for a moment. She gave out a sigh. "I have to go to the bathroom, and think about this. Give me a moment?" She asked. Penn nodded. "Of course." He said. Alex stood up and walked out of the room. Penn sighed and leaned against the pillows of the bed. And then, before he knew it, the words were coming out of his mouth.

"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm."

There was a noise. Penn looked over at the door to see Alex standing over there, a smile on her face and tears falling down her cheeks. "Did you mean all of that. Including the song?" She asked. Penn smiled back and chuckled. "I did mean it." He said. The brunette went over, sat down next to him, and hugged him. "I forgive you." She said. Penn smiled even wider and felt tears of his own falling as well. "Thank you." He said. They just sat there, hugging each other. "Is everything okay here?" A voice asked. They both turned around and saw Alex's grandmother, Mary Ann, standing there. Both teens wiped the tears of their faces. "We had a fight." Penn began. "But we made up." Alex finished. Mary Ann smiled. "Good to hear. Remember, love is not always that easy. Especially for people your age. Just be glad that you were able to clear things out." The old lady told them. They nodded. "Very well then. I'll be downstairs." "Thanks." They said at the same time and Mary Ann left.

"Well?" Alex asked. "Well, what?" Penn asked. "Aren't you going to ask where I was?" Penn chuckled lightly. "Okay. Where were you?" He asked. Alex leaned over to grab her denim jacket. She shuffled through the pockets and pulled out something. Penn's eyes widened upon seeing it. It was the shard! The brunette opened his hand and placed the shard there. "You'd be surprise of how easy it was to find it." She said. Penn laughed and stood up. Alex screamed in surprise and the redhead spun her around in his arms before pulling her into a tight hug. "You literally made my day here, Alex! Thank you." He said, and then pulled back from the hug. "Why though?" "Hey, just because I was mad, doesn't mean that I don't want to help you save your parents." She said. Penn laughed again and hugged her, causing the girl to rest her head against his chest. "Thank you, Alex." "No problem, darling." Alex said, trying to sound like Freddie Mercury. Both teens laughed at that. "Oh god, I sounded terrible." She said. "You try." She told him. "Okay. How's this for Freddie Mercury, darling?" Penn said in a British accent. "Yeah. You do it better than I do." She said as they kept laughing.

Penn was happy. He got the second shard, and he was able to get Alex's forgiveness. Something was telling him that things were only going to get better from here.

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