Bohemian Rhapsody Premire

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It was Friday, May 31st. It was the last day of school in Middleburg Central High. It was 12pm. Everyone was taking their finals. Well, except for five particular kids.

Today, it wasn't only the last day of school, but it was also the world premiere of Bohemian Rhapsody. So, James, along with the help of Brian May and Roger Taylor, made a deal with the faculty of the school. As soon as the kids were done with their final exam of the day, they were free to go. Of course, the other kids were not happy with this. But upon learning that Alex and Jack were the kids of the star of the movie, Penn was Alexandra's boyfriend, Boone was Jack's and Sashi was their best friend, they understand. Well, most of them. Also, in order to help out the adults, the kids decided to come to school with hair already done.

"Well, my friends. The time has come. Time for summer." Jack said as they all exited the school. "You know, it's nice that everything's back to normal." Alex said, getting nods from the others. "Hey! Here's the limo." Penn said as the black limo came up. "Airport. Here we come!" Boone said as they entered the limo and rode to the airport.


We see a camera turn on and we see the face of Joe Mazzello.

"Hello everyone. I am Joe Mazzello. I am the kid from Jurassic Park, and I play John Deacon in the movie Bohemian Rhapsody. The crew and I are currently on the flight to Hollywood for the premiere of the movie that is tonight." Joe flips the camera and shows the people on the plane. The camera is back in Joe's face. "Anyways. We have about two more hours up here in the air. James. Are you nervous?" Joe asked as he pointed the camera to James, who was sitting next to him. "To be honest. I am kind of nervous. But excited at the same time." The man said. "Okay then. Let's see what's going on around here." Joe said and points the camera to Alex, Jack, and Penn sitting in one row, while Sashi and Boone were asleep in the row behind them. "Hey kids." Joe said, causing the remaining three to look at him. "Hi." Penn said, waving at the camera. "What's the thing you're looking for in the movie?" Joe asked them. "Live Aid. Definitely Live Aid." Jack said. "Just generally anything." Alex said, while the boys chuckled and nod. "Same, But the most is Live Aid." Penn answered. "Good answers." Joe said.

He then turns the camera to the row in front of him, where Ben Hardy, Lucy Boynton and Gwilym Lee sat. "What about you guys? You're all nervous?" Joe asked them. "Nervous and excited. I think everyone has that in their minds right now." Lucy answered, causing the others to laugh a bit. Joe turns the camera back to him. "Well, I think that is all I can report for today so far. Thank you, Brian May and Roger Taylor, for this amazing opportunity. And, I will see you later on." Joe said with a smile and he turned off the camera.


"So... What do you guys think? Will she like it?" Penn asked Boone and Jack, turning around to look at them.

The couple looked and smiled at the redhead. "Thank god we chose the black suit for you!" Boone said. "Yeah. As a gay guy, I say you look attractive. But Alex... she definitely going to think you're hot!!" Jack said. Penn chuckled and looked at the mirror again. He was wearing a white dress shirt, black slacks, black dress shoes, and a black suit jacket. Boone and Jack wore similar things, though Boone was wearing his usual flip flops, and Jack wore a black shirt instead. "Well, boys. This is it. Time to possibly cry our eyes out." Jack said. "Dude. If they do the impossible and make Sashi cry, they will have my upmost respect." Boone said. "True. It is impossible to make Sashi cry. But let's see how this goes." Penn said as the three of them exited their hotel room.

"Ah! We see you boys are done." Sashi's voice was heard. They turned around and saw Sashi and Alex walking over to them. Sashi was wearing a red dress with red heels and her short pink and purple hair was still the same. However, upon seeing Alex, Penn's jaw dropped to the floor. The brunette girl was wearing a light pink off the shoulder dress with white flowers plastered around it, and little bows around her arms and her hair was loose and wore a necklace around her neck.

Penn found himself walking over to Alex

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Penn found himself walking over to Alex. "Wow. You look... utterly beautiful." Penn said, blushing like an idiot. "Thank you. You look really handsome... hot if I may say." Alex said. Penn chuckled and smirked a bit. "I aim to please." He said. "Dang Sash. You look nice!" Boone said. "Yeah. If I were into girls, I would fall for you in a second." Jack complimented. Sashi laughed. "Thanks guys." She said. Just then, Ben, Joe, And James came over. "We see you guys are ready." Ben said. "Everyone to the limo! And Zero, don't try any funny business on Alexandra." James said. The young couple blushed. "Dad!" Alex said. "Too young." Penn said. Joe, Ben and James laughed. "I'm just joking. Have fun, kids." James said.


Well, the time had come. Everyone was packed inside the theater, and were sitting down. And the movie had begun.

The kids looked at the screen as they see Freddie and the gang practicing for Live Aid. Alex shivered a bit and rubbed her arms. "Seriously? Why do I always forget to bring a jacket at times?" She thought to herself. Suddenly, there was a black suit jacket on her lap. She looked at her left and saw Penn, now just wearing the white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, smiling at her. "You really need to remember to bring a jacket." He mouthed at her. "Shut up." She mouthed black and put on the jacket. Alex leaned against the boy, snuggling against his side. Penn wrapped an arm around her, pulling her a bit closer.

They eventually reached the the Live Aid scene of the film, the one that the movie was building up to. Penn and Alex were not going to lie. They were silently crying. It was just too emotional. Alex and Jack felt proud for their dad as Freddie gave it his all. Jack and Boone were crying as well. Heck, even Sashi was crying at this moment. The redhead teen looked at the brunette next to him. He smiled at her and wiped her tears away. Alex smiled at him and did the same to his face. Penn leaned over to her ear. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you to." Alex whispered back. They turned their attention back to the movie, as Freddie and the gang sang 'We Are The Champions', with everyone in the theater endings up singing along.


"Man. My feet are killing me." Alex said as the five of them entered the hotel.

She was carrying her heels in her left hand as they walked to the elevator. "Same." Sashi said, who was also carrying her heels. "Normally, I would disagree with you two, but considering I was a girl in that Disney parody world, I actually understand." Penn said, with everyone else laughing. The elevator stopped at their floor. "Well. See you boys in the morning." Sashi said, stepping into her and Alexandra's room. "See you, dudes." Boone said as he and Jack went to the room they shared with Penn. The redhead smiled at the girl in front of him and kissed her, who kissed back. "See you in the morning." He said. "Yeah. See ya." Alex said as the two separated and entered their rooms.

"Finally! I can take of this itchy dress!!!" Alex said.

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