Defending The Earth

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The five kids walked in the theater, laughing at a joke Boone told them.

"Damn, Boone. You are funny!!" Alex said. "Yeah. You should totally consider stand up comedy." Penn said. "Really?" Boone asked. "Yeah. Imagine it, buddy. Performing day and night in front of millions of people!" Penn said. "Millions?" Boone squeaked out. "Yeah! People will be cheering your name and-" "Penn, honey. You should probably stop it." Alex said, motioning to a terrified looking Boone. "Sorry guys. I guess I have a fear of public speaking." Boone said. "It's no problem. You'll get over it eventually." Jack said, smiling at the boy. "Thanks, man." Boone said, smiling back as Jack sat on his usual chair. Alex and Penn smirked at them. They shipped Jack and Boone. Bojack, they called it. Sashi smiled and shocked her head at them. "So. How did the project go?" She asked. "We got an A and a standing novation." Alex said as she and her boyfriend high five. The quartet went over to the warp pad and got zapped in.


The quartet zapped and saw that they were in the White House. "Huh. Okay then." Alex said. "Cool! I'm president!! Can I invite the French over to a game of football?" Penn asked Sashi. "No." She said, dressed as a general. "You could potentially start a war, sir." Alex said, dressed as a secretary. "Prank call China?" The redhead asked. "Might end up with World War III." Alex said. "Can I order pizza?" "Your job is to sign the bills and approve laws." Sashi said. Penn sighed. "Very well then. At least I have this cool pen." He said and clicked it over and over again. It was an awkward silence.

"Sashi. What's the mission?" Alex finally asked. "Okay. So Penn is the president, Alex is his secretary who the president is dating." Alex and Penn blush a bit. "I am the general and Boone-" "Woah. This robe is comfy!" Boone said. "Don't fall in love with me Penn." He said smirking at his friend. "Boone! That's a Suprime Court Justice's robe!" Sashi said. What?" Alex asked. "Okay. So before you came along, I crushed on a bunch of girls in various universes." Penn said, blushing of embarrassment. "Sorry." He said. "Eh. No problem. As long as it never happens again." Alex says and they share a quick kiss. "Anyways, we must defend the Earth from." Sashi was interrupted as there was a massive hole blown on the roof. "Alien attack!!!" Sashi yelled, pointing at Rippen and Larry as aliens.

"Since when is it the 4th of July?" Alex muttered to herself. "Quick! Aliens have a weakness!" Penn said. "It's not garlic!" Boone said. "Those are vampires, Boone." Penn said. "Not water." The redhead said. "Not M. Night Shyamalan." Alex began as she opened the blinds to bring in light. "And not Scooby Doo." She concluded. "It's not silver!" Boone said. "Those are Werewolves, Boone!" Penn said. Rippen and Larry were suddenly pinned to the wall. "Should have thought of that earlier." Alex said. "So. Anyone else want to take a guess as to what the weakness is?" She asked her friends.

Suddenly, there was a blue beam that was sucking them all up to the air. "Wh-what's going on?" Rippen asked. "I don't know. It's not from you?" Penn asked. "No. Trust me I would have known." The man said. They were now in a spaceship. "So. If you didn't do this, then who did?" Alex asked everyone around her.


"So. They're basically in Judge Judy, but with aliens?" Jack asked as he and Phillis saw everything. "Pretty much." Phillis said. "Okay then." Jack said. The dirty blonde boy then saw that Boone had to be the one to represent the team and that he was having a hard time. "Come on, Boone. I believe in you." He muttered.

Alex, Sashi, and Penn saw Boone having a hard time. So, they tried to help him. Only to get caught.

"Oh! You know what that means. Punishment!!" The host, a huge yellow alien announced. Suddenly, a tiny green alien joined them. "Aww!! It's so cute!" Alex squealed. "Really? What Can this little guy even do?" Penn asked. Only to be slapped by the alien. Multiple times. Penn tried pulling it off, but it wouldn't let go of his face. The tiny slapping alien was then pulled of and thrown off by Alex and her powers. "You okay?" She asked. Penn nodded. "Thanks. Kind of a miracle that you have those powers." He said.

The hour went by and Boone was a mess. He was stuttering and messing up. He was extremely nervous. "Agh!! I can't do this!!" Boone said. "Boone! Breath in and out!" Alex said. Boone did as she told him to do. "Now! Imagine that people are not here. It's only you Boone. Just you!" She said. "If that doesn't work, then imagine people in underwear!" Penn said. The brunette boy closed his eyes for a moment. His eyes opened and he nodded to the team. Boone picks up the cube and lands on interpretive dancing. "You can do it Boone!!" Alex, Penn and Sashi said.

And so, Boone began dancing his heart out while saying that the earth should stay. His moves and words were touching the hearts of all aliens, and it made his friends smile. By the time Boone ended, everyone cheered. "Well. It is clear who won. Earth wins!" The host says, reaching for the gravel. Rippen attempted to grab it, but was stopped by Alexandra. The host banged the gravel, giving the win to earth. Penn, Sashi and Alex were brought over to their friend. "You did it Boone!!!" Sashi said. "No. You mean we did it. Thanks to you all, I was able to do this." Boone said.

"Okay everyone. That's all the time we have. Goodnight, and see you all in the next episode." The host says. Penn and Alex shared a passionate kiss that lasted about five seconds and the four kids group hugged. They waved at the camera and they were zapped out. "Woo!!! You did it Boone!!" Jack shouted, going up to his friend and hugging him. Boone blushed and hugged him back. "Bojack! Bojack!" Alex and Penn quietly chanted. "What was that?" The two hugging boys asked. "Oh, nothing." Alex said. "I must admit, my love, you were pretty hot as a secretary." Penn said lovingly into her ear. Alex blushed. "Oh. Thank you." She said.

"Everyone! Phillis and Phil take a day off tomorrow. No mission tomorrow. That is all." Phillis said, and shoved the kids out of the theater. "Sweet! Free day!" Jack said. "Okay, Jackie, we must go home. See you all tomorrow." Alex said. "Wait!" Penn said, grabbing Alex's hand. "What?" She asked. "I was wondering. Would you like to go to the movies with me? We can watch 'Yesterday' if you want. I know how much you wanted to see it." Penn said. "Are... are you asking me out on a date?" Alex asked, smiling. "Yes. So, what do you say? Wanna go on a date?" He asked. Alex looked at him. "You pay for the tickets and I pay for the popcorn?" She asked. "Deal." Penn's hand and they shook on it. They hugged and kissed. So... does 4:30 sound good? I'll pick you up at four." He said. She nodded. "Bye!" She said. "Bye!" He said and they both left with their perspective groups.

"So. What happened?" Jack asked his best friend. "Penn asked me out on a date!" She said, jumping up and down. "Yes, Queen!!!" Jack said and they high five. "So. What are you to doing?" "He's taking me to see 'Yesterday'. We going at 4:30." She said. "Awesome!!" They walked over to the Hamilton mansion. "Mom, dad! Guess what?!" Alex asked her parents. "What is it?" Anna asked her daughter. "Penn!asked me to a movie date tomorrow at 4:30. And I said yes!!" Alex yelled in happiness. "What? Sweetie, that's amazing!!" James said. "We're so happy for you!! And it will be the perfect chance for him to meet grandma, grandpa and Luke." Anna said. "Wait. They're coming over?" Jack asked. He had met Alex's grandparents and 23 year old cousin Luke before. They were really nice people. "Well, Luke is visiting. Grandma and grandpa are going to come to live with us. And Jack, they know about you staying here and they are okay with it." Alex and Jack smiled. "Dinner is served!" Geoffrey said with a smile. They all piled into the kitchen and ate dinner.

"Things will get better from here." Alex thought.

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